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100e Hosted by vhs © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 Jeopardy.

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2 100e Hosted by vhs © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 Jeopardy

3 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Code Recursion Objects Data Structures Potpourri

4 What are the values of: (((14 >= 0) || (4 != 3)) && (22 % 7 == 1) and 7 * 8 % 10 / (-2 * -2.0) True and 1.5 Code for $200

5 What is wrong with the following code that converts Celcius to Farenheit? Casting error. Always == 0 Code for $400

6 These are the values of m and n after the following code executes. m == 987654321 n == 0 Code for $600

7 This is the output of the following code. The program doesn’t print anything. (Why?) Code for $800

8 Write the following function: Start with 2 int arrays (a and b). Return the array which has the largest sum. In the event of a tie, return a. Answer Code for $1000

9 This is the definition of a recursive function. Function that calls itself Recursion for $200

10 All recursive functions have these 2 parts. Base case and recursion w/ changing measure Recursion for $400

11 This is the fatal flaw in the call badRecurse(5); Doesn’t converge on base case => infinite recursion Recursion for $600

12 This is the output of mystery(2,3) Returns 5. More generally, the sum of a and b. Recursion for $800

13 This is the output of the call printMe(“”, “two”); Anagrams Recursion for $1000

14 In the class Soup, identify the: a) instance variables b) constructor c) methods. myPeas, myCarrots, myBrand, myCalories Soup(int peas, int carrots, String brand) getPeas(), getCarrots(), getCalories(), toString(), calories() Objects for $200

15 All classes in Java inherit from this superclass Object Objects for $400

16 When working with an object, the keyword “this” performs this function. Way to reference the object whose name was used to invoke the method. Objects for $600

17 These are the two other functions Soup needs to override be considered an example of “good” subclass. hashCode() & equals() Objects for $800

18 Implement a robust equals() for Soup Answer Objects for $1000

19 An alternate way of referring to this data structure is a “LIFO” array. Stack Data Structures for $200

20 This is the output of the code below: Hello I am Data Structures for $400

21 This is the problem with the code below: Adding objects of wrong type to ArrayList Data Structures for $600

22 ??? Should be replaced with this to make this 2D array function properly. data[row].length Data Structures for $800

23 Given an array int[] a, calculate the sum of the odd numbers in the array. Answer Data Structures for $1000

24 These are 4 of the 8 true primitive data types in Java Short, long, double, float, int, byte, char, boolean Potpourri for $200

25 This is a java literal that means “no object” null Potpourri for $400

26 Arithmetic operators (like +, -, *, /) have _____ precedence than logical operators (like ||, &&, !) so arithmetic is done _____. Higher, first Potpourri for $600

27 Rewrite the following code using a for loop. for (int count =7; count >= 4; count--) { System.out.println(count + “ “); System.out.println(count + “ “);} Potpourri for $800

28 This is the output of the code snippet below: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Potpourri for $1000

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