Beampipe Installation Status Ray Veness For the Beampipe team in AT/VAC and TS-MME.

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Presentation on theme: "Beampipe Installation Status Ray Veness For the Beampipe team in AT/VAC and TS-MME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beampipe Installation Status Ray Veness For the Beampipe team in AT/VAC and TS-MME

2 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness Overview o Introduction o Last status report end of Nov ’06 o Installations now well under way in ALICE and LHCb o Concentrating on schedule follow-up, with status on remaining assembly work o Contents o Overview for ALICE o Overview for ATLAS o Overview for CMS o Overview for LHCb o Summary

3 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ALICE Temporary Support Temporary support prepared to substitute for missing Q1 allows installation to proceed

4 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ALICE Central Part beryllium chamber in the experiment 19/3/07 Insertion and connection planned 21/3/07

5 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ALICE RB26 Commissioning ALICE RB26 and central (beryllium) part should be commissioned by Easter, if all goes to plan Gas Injection System in ALICE

6 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ALICE RB24 Commissioning Delayed due to other installation work in machine and experiment – dates still not clear

7 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ATLAS – Schedule changes Zones between Q1 and TAS awaiting Q1 repairs before installation Details of installation sequence and dates still evolving

8 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness ATLAS Work in Progress o Chambers o Final (VJ) chambers being NEG coated o Vacuum instrumentation modules at 19m being tested o Supports and tooling o Assembly and testing of supports in progress o Installation tooling design and production with ATLAS o Cabling and Services o Cabling installation started Jan ’07 in the cavern Test of 19m pump module in 927

9 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness CMS – Schedule Changes Installation and commissioning of central chambers still ‘as late as possible’ Installation of forward chambers re- scheduled to April-May due to seal leak issue

10 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness CMS TAS Seal Leak Issue o CMS 54-side forward pipe o Forward pipe assembly inserted in cavern Jan ’07 as scheduled o Installation OK, but leak of ~10 -8 mbar.l.s -1 on seal, which could not be fixed in-situ o TAS, forward chamber and remote flange assembly all individually tested before installation o Solutions applied o After discussions with seal suppliers, non-conforming sealing surface finish will be modified o Remote flange mechanism is being refined o Apply to CMS then ATLAS

11 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness CMS Work in Progress o Chambers o Final (HF-CT2) chambers being prepared for NEG coating o Installation Testing o Test of installation and bakeout in tracker section being prepared in 927 with CMS tracker team o Test of half-length installation under preparation in 927

12 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness LHCb – UX85/3 UX85/3 – the large beryllium cone was leak-sealed, NEG coated and installed in the detector UX85/3 installation in LHCb – February ‘07

13 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness LHCb – UX85/4 UX85/4 – large stainless steel conical section was installed afterwards, as scheduled UX85/3 installation in LHCb – February ‘07

14 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness LHCb – UX85/2 and Bellows UX85/2 – the intermediate beryllium cone, is in position awaiting installation of protection. After this, the bellows will be added to close the UX85 sector

15 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness LHCb - Commissioning We propose to wait for the availability of the Q1 on 8R in mid-April before commissioning this sector, to avoid temporary installations such as in ALICE RB84 commissioning will be performed late after Q1 repairs to the sector that is now cold

16 LEMIC 20 III 07Beampipe status- R.Veness Summary o Schedules o ALICE and LHCb – installation now progressing well, no major issues to date! o ‘Non-experimental’ sectors (RB24 and RB84) o Closure and commissioning are being pushed parallel with ATLAS and CMS o Discussion under way to use LSS installation teams for these sectors o ATLAS and CMS – Schedules still evolving and linked to the machine installation milestones o Non-availability of Q1s causing additional work and delaying installations, but should not impact on overall schedule o Issues o TAS flange leak – solutions being implemented, but we will need to wait for the April/May installation window in CMS to be 100% sure o Resources for the full installation tests of ATLAS and CMS systems are still limited

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