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Quick Liners What would be something cool and different (besides snakes) for Medusa to have in her hair?

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Liners What would be something cool and different (besides snakes) for Medusa to have in her hair?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Liners What would be something cool and different (besides snakes) for Medusa to have in her hair?


3 Pass out homework Scratch paper – first 12 lines of poem (collected)

4 Ancient Greek History Timeline


6 Walt Whitman Bridge


8 Tappan Zee Bridge


10 Golden Gate Bridge

11 A

12 A most Mycenaean palaces destroyed by this point

13 B Greek Dark Age

14 B Causes?

15 B Greek Dark Age Causes? trade ↓ literacy ↓ overall culture ↓ began to use iron

16 Read pages 159 – 160 (from the textbook)

17 C

18 C first signs of Greek city- states (polis) Why?

19 C first signs of Greek city- states (polis) Why? oikos


21 The Oikos the oikos was the ancient Greek equivalent of a household / house / family the oikos included… * the head of the oikos (oldest male) * his extended family (wife, children, grandparents, etc.) * slaves …all living together in one domestic setting SHORTHAND

22 The Oikos (continued) the oikos also included the house, farm building, equipment, olive trees, grapevines, fields, and livestock that belonged to the family the oikos was the basic building block of Greek city-states (of Greek society)

23 C first signs of Greek city- states (polis) Why? oikos → hamlet → village → town → polis

24 D Archaic Period

25 D Causes?

26 D Archaic Period Causes? democracy ↑ philosophy ↑ theater ↑ literacy ↑ poetry ↑

27 Quick Liners What would be something cool and different (besides snakes) for Medusa to have in her hair?

28 The Polis – Sparta & Athens

29 The Polis - Sparta & Athens - Notes (page 1)

30 * Note: The geography of Greece (mountains and sea) separated communities from each other. As a result, ________ developed, and the city-states were _________. This is a perfect example of how… _____________ ________________

31 * Note: The geography of Greece (mountains and sea) separated communities from each other. As a result, city-states developed, and the city-states were _________. This is a perfect example of how… _____________ ________________

32 * Note: The geography of Greece (mountains and sea) separated communities from each other. As a result, city-states developed, and the city-states were independent. This is a perfect example of how… _____________ ________________

33 * Note: The geography of Greece (mountains and sea) separated communities from each other. As a result, city-states developed, and the city-states were independent. This is a perfect example of how… Where people live affects how they live!

34 The Polis Another word for polis is ________

35 The Polis Another word for polis is city-state

36 The polis was the ________ and ______ center of Greek life

37 The polis was the geographic and ______ center of Greek life

38 The polis was the geographic and political center of Greek life

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