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Chapter 18 Public Relations and the Internet. Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant ~Mitch Kapor.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 18 Public Relations and the Internet. Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant ~Mitch Kapor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 18 Public Relations and the Internet

2 Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant ~Mitch Kapor

3 Why The Increase In Use? The demand to be educated rather than sold The need for real time performance The need for customization

4 More Reasons E-mail Web Sites Blogs Online Media Relations Online Monitoring Product Promotion Investor Relations Webcasts

5 Tips For Successful E-mail No more than one page Link content Regular dissemination

6 Stickiness Stickiness is often measured by the amount of time visitors spend at a site, and how many pages they view Ex. If visitors spend 10 minutes on the site and look at 5 or more pages you have achieved stickiness

7 Before Creating a Website Answer These Questions What is our goal? What content will we include? How often will we edit? How will we enhance design? How interactive will it be? How will we track use? Who will be responsible?

8 Blogs & Dan Rather eature=related

9 What Happened? CBS did an expose on George W. Bush, using unverified allegations. The blogosphere circulated allegations against Dan Rather and he, along with CBS, caved. His reputation still has not been restored.

10 Types Of Blogs Traditional- Blogger shares his/her online discoveries Diary- Blogger shares his/her day/experience(s)

11 Uses For Internal Blogs Projects Departments Brainstorming Customers

12 Wal-Mart Blog Scandal a=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=49505

13 The Short Version A blog appeared in which the bloggers claimed to be traveling across the nation and parking their RV for the night in Walmart parking lots. Turns out the bloggers were being paid to promote Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart apologized and the blog was shut down, but it ruined many people’s faith in Wal-Mart honesty.

14 How Journalists Prefer to Gather News 61%- Email 51%- Telephone 23%- Face to Face 4%- Fax

15 The Basics of Online Media Relations Web site newsroom News releases Executive speeches Annual/Quarterly reports Annual meetings FAQs Interviews Digital Press Kit

16 Cont. Photographs, profiles, ad copy, etc News releases via newswires –General Wires- ex. The Associated Press –Financial wires- ex. Dow Jones –Paid wires- ex. PR Newswire Online Publicity

17 Rogue Websites

18 What They Do Seek to confront an organization and do damage to their reputation

19 How They Do It Presenting negative information Satirizing policy & management Soliciting employees (current & former) to vent publicly Serving as a gateway for complaints Confusing the public

20 Tommy Hilfiger: Racist? SCJWgo

21 Internet Vehicles To Know Intranets Extranets Wikis Podcasting RSS

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