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Facebook Romeo has been banished! They made a spectacle of me! Curse the redeeming Love! WallPhotosMessagesBoxesRomeoLogout View photos of Romeo (214)

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Romeo has been banished! They made a spectacle of me! Curse the redeeming Love! WallPhotosMessagesBoxesRomeoLogout View photos of Romeo (214)"— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Romeo has been banished! They made a spectacle of me! Curse the redeeming Love! WallPhotosMessagesBoxesRomeoLogout View photos of Romeo (214) Send Roemo a message Super Poke Romeo Wall InfoNotes Write something… Share Information Networks: Verona Birthday: Political: For Prince Escalus Religion: Hometown: Verona, Italy Friends Mercutio Benvolio Juliet Romeo to Benvolio Come by Mantua for a visit and we’ll catch up. Benvolio to Romeo Married??? Banished??? What’s going on Romeo??? Benvolio to Romeo What was that junk yesterday with Tybalt? I don’t believe you. Mercutio to Romeo Rumor has it something big happened last night Romeo. What’s up, man? Romeo is being dragged to this party. Don’t know why I’m wasting my time. Romeo wonders at the complexity of women. Why can’t Rosaline see into anything?!?!! My life is the morning sky and Juliet is the Sun!

2 Personal Information facebook Romeo has been banished! They made a spectacle of me! Curse the redeeming Love! WallPhotosMessagesBoxesRomeoLogout View photos of Romeo (214) Send Romeo a message Super Poke Romeo Wall InfoNotes Basic Information Information Networks: Verona Birthday: Political: For Prince Escalus Religion: Hometown: Verona, Italy Photos Networks: Verona, Italy Sex: Male Birthday: Julianuary 24, 1549 Hometown: Verona, Italy Relationship Status: Married Political Views: For Prince Escalus Religious Views: Activities: Loving my fair lady, hanging out with my buds, and eating desert Interests: Juliet Capulet, Astronomy, and having good times Favorite Music:The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, and Tim McGraw Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar, and The Notebook Favorite TV Shows: Dancing with the Stars, Days of our Lives, Castle Favorite Books: War and Peace, Gone with the Wind, Shakespearean Works My Beloved Updated One week ago 2 Albums Mine Happy Time Updated three months ago Contact Information Address: The streets of Mantua Phone Number: (607) 867-5302 My life is the morning sky and Juliet is the Sun!

3 facebook WallPhotosMessagesBoxesRomeoLogout WallInfoNotes Text Message Conversation with Prince Escalus So Escalus tried to be all sympathetic with me yesterday; bogus. He ruins my life, strips me of all I hold dear, and thinks it will be all better by saying “sorry”? Here it is: Escalus: Romeo, how u been? Me: Other than u ruined my life, ok. Escalus: Sorry ‘bout that, but, u can’t make exceptions for criminals. Me: CRIMINAL??!!? Escalus: You murdered the Prince of Cats, remember? Me: Oh yes, the salamander backfat, lilly-livered jacklefiend. Escalus: Calm down dude. Blog on “The Good, the Bad, and Mercutio” Everything that I know on this earth is so upside down. First, I thought I loved Rosaline with all my heart, and she was just a stubborn mule. Then I was dragged to that Capulet party, and holy Toledo, Juliet. I know I love Juliet, but could this be another Rosaline? I don’t think so. Secondly, banishment. It is so humiliating to be looked down upon by Mother and Father with their disapproving eyes. My love for Juliet is worth it though. Just the sheer hope of seeing her again can lift my spirits. My best friend has also been slain. I miss his funny comments and even his senseless humor. Life is so full of the unexpected. I can see the stars in the heavens and picture Juliet, all the way in Verona. If I had my way, a golden statue of Juliet would be raised in Verona to comemerate her beauty and glory. Romeo has been banished! They made a spectacle of me! Curse the redeeming Love!

4 LogoutRomeoBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) Benvolio Updates from Verona Romeo, this is of the utmost urgency, there has been… SentUpdatesMessages Sorry Romeo Romeo, I’ve heard so much about you since we last met… Mercutio Capulet Ball If you are coming let me know by tomorrow… Rosaline

5 LogoutRomeoBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages Updates from Verona Romeo, this is of the utmost urgency. First off, Juliet was commanded to marry Paris, and she is going to! I didn’t want to be the one to tell you, but you have to know. The bounty on your head if you should return to the city has been raised by 75%. I don’t know what to do. The Friar hinted at maybe having a plan, but I don’t know. Things are just so crazy around here now I can’t even get out of the house without my sword. The Capulets are going to make sure I cannot get into the wedding. Also, Mercutio’s funeral is going to be held soon. They are going to bury him out at his grandfather’s place in the country. It will be pretty informal, and I think that you may be able to sneak in and pay your respects. Sorry I can’t fill you in anymore. Can’t wait to see you, and stay strong in Mantua.

6 LogoutRomeoBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages Sorry Romeo Romeo, I’ve heard so much about you since we last saw each other. I know you were a bad kid, but murder? Tybalt was a good man, and you had the guts to kill him. You’ve also been banished? I heard rumors that you are residing in Mantua; good place. I have also heard that you have found yourself a new love, Juliet Capulet. So you are finally done goggling after me? Dangerous deeds Romeo. Keep an eye out for yourself. You never know what will be lurking in the corners and ally ways. Sorry to hear about Mercutio. He was a fun-loving kid. Well, have a good one. Sorry Romeo Mercutio is dead because of Tybalt. I only was defending him. And yes, I am in Mantua. Juliet is the love of my life, no longer the lilly-livered jackrabbit. I never wish to see you, so don’t bother to come. I love Juliet, and she loves me.

7 LogoutRomeoBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages Capulet Ball Romeo, If you are coming tomorrow to the ball, you gotta let me know by tomorrow. I know you are very upset about Rosaaline, but come to the ball and check all of the other girls in the city. We’ll be behind masks, so as long as you don’t take it off to wipe your tears, we’ll be unable to be recognized. Leave your boot knife at home, too. We don’t want the Prince of Cats to be cutting our heels on the threshold as the mob comes after us. Benvolio is going to swing by my place, and we’ll pick you up on the way. And by the way, Benvolio some how got a hold of the menu. The main course is going to be mutton, veal, and chicken with gravy. From the way the menu sounds, I might just become one of those vile goat-herders. Anyway, talk to me man. Capulet Ball We can do Mercutio. I’ll be around back. Do I need to bring my own mask? Also, the knife can’t leave the boot son, sorry.

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