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QCAMPform SETUP 1. The following window will appear with the execution of the “setup.exe” file. (Note: “setup.exe” file is extracted from the “”

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Presentation on theme: "QCAMPform SETUP 1. The following window will appear with the execution of the “setup.exe” file. (Note: “setup.exe” file is extracted from the “”"— Presentation transcript:

1 qCAMPform SETUP 1. The following window will appear with the execution of the “setup.exe” file. (Note: “setup.exe” file is extracted from the “” file and can be executed by double clicking.) After reading the Welcome message click “Next >” 2. A Software License Agreement window will appear. If you accept the agreement, click “Yes” to continue with the setup. Otherwise exit setup by clicking “No”.

2 3. The Choose Destination Location window guides the selection of the directory location for installation of CAMPform. Follow the procedure outlined in the window 4. If setup has been successfully completed the following Setup Complete window will appear. Click “Finish” to complete setup and return to Windows.

3 When the “” file is uncompressed, the “example_pre” directory will be created. This directory holds example files (with extension “.cf2”) for the CAMPform pre-processor. Users can use these example files to become more familiar CAMPform. The steps for running a simulation with a given example file are as follows:  Make a working directory to hold files of simulation results.  In the CAMPform pre-processor, click to open an example file (with extension “.cf2”) from the “example_pre” directory.  Click the icon for running of simulation.  When the following window appears, click in “Input File Location” to prescribe the location of the directory that was created in step . Then, click to make and locate the required input files for the CAMPform solver. This directory location can be confirmed in the “Simulation Location” part of the Analysis Execution box.  Finally, click to start simulation. (In the “CAMPform” pre-processor) ** (Start Button): To start simulation ** (Stop Button): To stop simulation temporarily, or permanently. ** (Restart Button): To restart simulation q To execute a given example file Prescribe location of working directory To create required input files for the CAMPform solver in the working directory Confirms location of working directory

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