Right to Life Revision To revise keywords and quotes from the Right to Life unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Right to Life Revision To revise keywords and quotes from the Right to Life unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Right to Life Revision To revise keywords and quotes from the Right to Life unit.

2 Memorise the Quotes ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’ Sanctity of Life – Life is special because it is God given. ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ‘Thou shall not kill’ Quality of Life – a measure of fulfilment ‘Your body is a temple of God.’ ‘Man is made in the image of God.’ 3 minutes to learn!

3 You are going to play the game Connect Four in pairs. The aim of Connect Four is to get a row of 4. One of you will mark your square with a cross, the other with a naught. In order to mark a square you need to correctly identify the quote and its meaning. Connect 4

4 Mind Map Right to Life When does life begin? Abortion and the Law Pro Life Views Pro Choice Views Euthanasia - Types Euthanasia Case Studies Alternatives to Abortion Arguments For Euthanasia Arguments Against Euthanasia Hospices Self Determination

5 Black and Red Pen You now need to try to remember as much of the mind map as you can without looking. Turn over your mind map and get a blank piece of A3/sugar paper. In black pen, you need to write down everything you can remember from memory (this may not be very much at first). When you have written all you can, you need to turn over your original mind map and use this to fill in anything you have missed out in red pen. Keep repeating this process until you can remember everything and everything is written in black pen (you may need to carry this on at home).

6 Reflection Look at the red pen on your mind map – which area has the most? Make this the focus of your revision when you go home. What are you going to do to make sure you have learnt it by next lesson?

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