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Grade 8 Social Studies Chapter 8-3. General Erwin Rommel German general in charge of Afrika Corps “Desert Fox” Excellent commander 2 Panzer divisions.

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1 Grade 8 Social Studies Chapter 8-3

2 General Erwin Rommel German general in charge of Afrika Corps “Desert Fox” Excellent commander 2 Panzer divisions Goal to cut off Suez Canal controlled by British Stopped by the British 200 miles away from canal

3 Suez Canal/Panzer

4 General Dwight D. Eisenhower That’s FOUR STAR GENERAL DWIGHT D EISENHOWER TO YOU. Future President Commanded American led forces in North Africa US troops inexperienced Pushed back by Rommel Regrouped and pinched Germans from the West Forced Germans into two front warfare.

5 Invasion of Italy After forcing surrender in North Africa the Allies invade Italy through Mediterranean Sea Amphibious Assault People had turned against Mussolini Italy surrenders 1943 (one less Axis power.) Germany boxed in from South, East and after D-Day the West. Referred to as the “Soft Underbelly of Europe”

6 Monte Casino Mountain in central Italy Nazis controlled high point that oversaw much of central country Difficult to launch uphill battle Allies bomb monastery at top of the hill Many have questioned whether this was necessary.

7 Stalingrad Turning point in WWII Russians vs Nazis Stalingrad important for resources, Germans running out of fuel and supplies. COLD! Many freeze to death Heavy casualties RUSSIA WINS!

8 Stalingrad Cont Why did the Russians win? Germans expected to defeat Russians faster (never underestimate your enemy) Germans have to send supplies much further Russia has more manpower Russians fighting on homeland Russian equipment made to fight in bitter cold, uniforms are warmer

9 D Day Operation Overlord Allied invasion of Nazi occupied France 150,000 American, British and Canadian Troops invade There are 68,000 people living in Mt. Vernon Saving Private Ryan Germans being attacked from Northeast, South and West

10 Largest Invasion Ever!

11 Eisenhower/10,000 Killed

12 Aircraft with “D-Day” Stripes

13 Battle of the Bulge Pushes the Nazis back into Germany 200,000 Casualties Germans use English speaking troops Named after the Bulge of highlands extending through central Europe All out war. German tanks superior, but overcomplicated and outnumbered 1944/1945

14 The Big 3 at Yalta Yalta is an Island in the Ukraine Allied Leaders plan on what to do with Europe after WWII Although in constant contact, the leaders had not all met face to face VERY IMPORTANT EVENT IN WORLD HISTORY Left to Right Winston Churchill (Britain) FDR (USA) Joseph Stalin (USSR)

15 Yalta/Map of Europe post WWII

16 Anti- Semitism/Holocaust Genocide is the murder of an entire ethnic group. The Nazis MURDERED 11 Million people 5-6 Million Jewish 2-3 Million Polish Slavic people Homosexuals Russian Prisoners of War Gypsies The holocaust is a terrible low point for all of human existence The Jewish people are Semites Anti Semitism is racism against Jews.

17 Liberation Groups rounded up by Nazis and brought to work camps, eventually to concentration camps. Killed by starvation, labor, gas chambers, firing squad, burning, experimentation Allies are horrified by the camps Make the local people come see what has been done. Concentration camps built outside of Germany Worst Genocide of all time


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