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Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November 2009 FILLING IN PROPOSAL PART A

2 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.1. OUR IDEA  Proposal number: provided by EPSS  Proposal acronym: chosen by coordinator/partners (advice: short and simple)  Proposal title: chosen by coordinator/partners (advice: linked with proposal content)  Duration in months: Minimum 5 Months, Maximum 7 months  Activity codes: from the drop down menu  Free key words: chosen by coordinator, illustrating content of the proposal  Abstract:  In ENGLISH  IMPORTANT: “advertising of your proposal”: first piece read by evaluators  Similar proposals/signed contracts under FP7:  ONLY when having submitted a proposal (whether selected fro funding or not) to a previous RN call  If yes: mention call identifier FP7-PEOPLE-5.1.1.NIGHT 200….for 2007, FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008, 226…or 228… for 2008, and FP7-PEOPLE- 2009-NIGHT, 244…or 245… for 2009 2

3 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.2.1. WHO WE ARE  Participant number : Coordinator has always number 1  PIC (Participant Identity Code):  when having a PIC, mention it and several sections will be automatically filled in (check however)  when not having a PIC, ask through the UNIQUE REGISTRATION FACILITY:  DO IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE   Legal name: name under which your body is officially registered  Administrative data: legal address (co3mplete, attention to postcodes), + website (not compulsory but recommended)  Status:  Non profit: according to national law definition  Public body: according to national law + international organisations  Research organisation: when non profit and having main research objective  Higher/Secondary education establishment  Activity in NACE classification: please consult 3

4 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A2.2. WHO WE ARE  SME: « YES » should the answer to the three questions (employees, turnover, balance sheet) be positive  ATTENTION: should you declare to be a SME, you will have to provide justifying documents for your validation beyond the « general ones »   Organisation short name: the most frequently used  Dependencies: case within which a participant « controls » another participant, i.e.:  2 or more participants are controlled by the same legal entity (=part of the same group) OR  One of the participants controls another one, which means:  Participant A holds over 50 % of nominal value of the issued share capital of participant B OR  Participant A holds in fact or in law the decision-making power in participant B  Person in charge: for the coordinator, the person who will be entitled for all contacts with REA services (usually NOT the one entitled to sign the Grant Agreement) 4

5 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.3.1.  Classification of the costs: management /others  Management: overall administrative, financial, legal, accounting  Others (specific/support) : linked to WPs 1,2 and 3  ATTENTION: partners may incur management costs, obviously lower than the coordinator’s ones  (participation in meetings, reports, deliverables’ production…)  Classification of the costs: direct/indirect  Direct: include personnel (salaries and charges), subcontracting, other direct costs (equipment, consumables…)  Indirect : incurred in direct relation with the direct costs (electricity, heating, mail, phone, insurance, cleaning, security…= overheads  ATTENTION: indirect costs have to be declared according to the method chosen by the participant, BUT only 7 % of the direct costs will be considered eligible   Classification of the direct costs: personnel-other direct/subcontracting  Subcontracting: services achieved by a external body (not signing the Grant agreement), invoiced to one of the participants  Personnel costs: salaries and linked charges of the personnel involved in project’s implementation (whichever the status: permanent, temporary…)  Other direct costs: equipment, consumables  ATTENTION: when purchasing a durable equipment, eligibility of the cost limited to the period of the lifecycle dedicated to the project's implementation according to the participant’s depreciation rules  5

6 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency SPECIFIC CASE OF SUBCONTRACTING NATURE  Invoiced to one of the participants (price including cost + profit margin)  Related to services (catering, conception of communication campaign, performances…)  Performed outside participant’s premises  not generating any indirect cost PART OF THE PROJECT COVERED  No legal limitation, subject to P.O. approval  Excluded for management tasks (except possibly for minor technical tasks such as report printing, catering of meetings) TO BE PLANNED  In part B of the proposal and at least in the DoW (Annex I of the Grant Agreement) (Description of the tasks + estimates of the costs)  Possibility of subcontracting minor tasks not listed in part B in course of implementation RULES FOR AWARDING  Ratio cost/efficiency (best value for money)  Transparency, equal treatment, in compliance with participant’s publicity rules  ATTENTION: all subcontracted tasks remain under participants’ responsibility  6

7 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency NEXT SLIDE: EXAMPLE OF COSTS TABLE  Exhaustive list regarding cost classification, but not costs types  Just an example: you don’t need to have costs of all types under all WPs  Indirect costs: eligible indirect costs are limited to 7 % of the direct costs (except subcontracting and resources set at disposal by third parties outside the premises of the participants) 7

8 Researchers’ nights 2010- Information Day- 12-11-2009-Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 8 WP 1 Awareness campaign (by participant) WP2 Activities during the night (by participant) WP3 Impact assessment (by participant) WP4Management Personnel costs Subcontracting (if relevant) (conception of communication strategy, conception/realisation of promotional products, catering for press conferences ….) Subcontracting (if relevant) (performers, catering, transport, musicians, photographs … ) Subcontracting (if relevant) (interviews, data processing, inquiries … ) Other direct costs Consumables (gadgets, papers … provided that not covered by subcontracting, purchase of space without services linked, provided that not covered by subcontracting) Equipment ( promotional equipment hired without services linked … ) Other costs (press conference, mailings, booths, websites … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Other direct costs Consumables (products for experiments, lights, food and drinks, renting of venues/materials without services linked … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Equipment (durable goods necessary for night ’ s implementation: computer, various devices … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Other costs (excluding maintenance, security, cleaning, insurance,..;deemed to be included under indirect costs) Other direct costs Consumables (paper for printing questionnaires …, small material) Equipment (recorder, microphones … ) Other costs (printing questionnaires if in house, mailings, display of questionnaires, fees for interviewers … ) Other direct costs Consumables (food and drinks for meetings … ) Other costs (possibly organisation of meetings, travel..) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) TOTAL TOTAL 8

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