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Pong the game we love!. Sprites We will load all of our sprites. The red pac man guy is our sprite creator Use Naming Conventions Add sprites for Wall.

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Presentation on theme: "Pong the game we love!. Sprites We will load all of our sprites. The red pac man guy is our sprite creator Use Naming Conventions Add sprites for Wall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pong the game we love!

2 Sprites We will load all of our sprites. The red pac man guy is our sprite creator Use Naming Conventions Add sprites for Wall Wizard Paddle1 We will edit paddle1 to create paddle2

3 Objects The object is the container for actions, events collisions, controllers Objects we need Wizard Wall Paddle1 Paddle2 Game_controller Start_controller Finish_controller Each one has several events and we will create.

4 Create a simple Room This room we will call the room_Game We will add wall objects and the wizard

5 Simple room_Game actions & events Events for the Bear –Event— keypress-left Action – move fixed,speed –Collison Wall Action- Bounce- solids –Add right,up,down

6 Edit the room_Game We need to edit the room to be a pong game

7 Room_Start Go into Fireworks or photoshop and create a Welcome png Add the new picture as a background for your room

8 Room_Done Create another graphic for the end room Add it as a background

9 Events for the Wizard Collison –Wall- bounce –Paddle1/2- bounce,set score +1 Intersect boundry Press-space- direction/ speed

10 Events for Wall None here but make sure it is a solid or it won’t bounce!

11 Events for paddles Paddle1 uses A for up, Z for down action-move fixed Paddle2 uses Up key and down key and same actions

12 Now the Controller--Start Event- Keypress- Move-Next Room

13 Controller - Game Events –Create-Set Score 0 –Step-Test Score if score>5 then go to next room

14 Controller - Done Events –Create-set alarm0 to 30 –Alarm0 – show high score, go to room_Welcome

15 Game Information Every Game will include the following Bolded components –Author –Description –Controls –Score –Credits

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