Monique Desany, Chelsey Kaufman, Marta Monroe, & Janelle Norquist.

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Presentation on theme: "Monique Desany, Chelsey Kaufman, Marta Monroe, & Janelle Norquist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monique Desany, Chelsey Kaufman, Marta Monroe, & Janelle Norquist

2 To highlight the legacy of Eleanor Clarke Slagle Discuss her lasting impression on Occupational Therapy Describe the Arts and Craft Movement and illustrate the connection between Elizabeth and Herbert Explain Herbert Hall’s actions Emphasize Herbert Hall’s impact on the profession

3 Early 20 th century A cure for the social ills of a society struggling to deal with the impact of the Industrial Revolution Agrarian  manufacturing Pride in workmanship  concern for profit (1)

4 The original philosophy was based on the conviction that industrialization had brought with it the total destruction of “purpose, sense and life” Inspired by a crisis of conscience (1)

5 Advocated the power of handiwork as useful, important, a joy, and a pleasure Opposed to mindless, repetitive activity on an assembly line Simplification of life (now: stress reduction), but not being idle Promoted the inherent satisfaction of making a product, as opposed to concern only for its profit Valued the “craftsman ideal,” in which occupation is pursued at its own pace, not on a production schedule (1)


7 “Hull House, Wikipedia”

8 1870 – 1923 A doctor who used making crafts as a medical tool therefore incorporated the ideas of the arts and craft movement into treatment (2)

9 He believed that the use of occupation could address the societal concerns that “many people are suffering in mind and body because of the attempt to accomplish too much, or from idleness which is not necessary” (Willard and Spackman)

10 Began studies of treatments to the “rest cure” of neurasthenia Neurasthenia – “an abnormal condition that often follows depression, characterized by nervous exhaustion and a vague functional fatigue” (3) Today, would be called “stress” or “burnout”

11 Assisted in his studies by Jessie Luther, OTR, the first curator of the Hull House Labor Museum 1906 – received a $1,000 grant from the Procter Fund of Harvard University to “assist in the study of the treatment of neurasthenia by progressive and graded manual occupation” This study was probably the first grant-funded research project on the use of occupation as a means of treating patients

12 Results 59 of 100 patients improved, 27 were much improved, and 14 received no relief (arts and crafts) Handweaving, woodcarving, metalwork, and pottery (rec therapy) Occupations

13 1. Arts and crafts 2. Susan Hall Anthony, Dr. Herbert J. Hall: Originator of Honest Work for Occupational Therapy 1904 – 1923, 2005, 19, 3, 21 – 32, Occupational Therapy in Health Care 3. Mosby’s 4. Willard and spackman 5. _the_machine.htm

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