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Pneumonias. Pleural syndrome. Ethiology. Clinical pattern. Daignostics. Complications. Principles of treatment Ass-prof. N. Bilkevych.

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Presentation on theme: "Pneumonias. Pleural syndrome. Ethiology. Clinical pattern. Daignostics. Complications. Principles of treatment Ass-prof. N. Bilkevych."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pneumonias. Pleural syndrome. Ethiology. Clinical pattern. Daignostics. Complications. Principles of treatment Ass-prof. N. Bilkevych

2 Acute inflammation of lung parenchyma with obvious involvement of alveoli. Usually is caused by bacteria or viruses Acute inflammation of lung parenchyma with obvious involvement of alveoli. Usually is caused by bacteria or viruses Pneumonia (pneumonia)

3 Alveoli and lung cells that produce surfactant

4 Ethiology: Not specific pathogenic or obligate-pathogenic microbes

5 Pathogenesis: Infection spread into the organism through respiratory airways. Microbes appears and multiple on bronchial mucosa of upper airways and than spread down to bronchi and lung tissue





10 Classification Community-acquired pneumonia. Nosocomial (intrahospital) pneumonia – acute infection of lower airways confirmed with X- ray, has being developed in 48 hrs after appearance of the patient in hospotal environment. Aspiration pneumonia. Pneumonia in immunocompromizwd patients

11 Pneumonia: infecting organisms in approximate descending order of frequency Community acquired Streptococcus pneumoniae Mycoplasma pneumoniae Influenza virus A Haemophilus influenzae Legionella pneumophila Staphylococcus aureus Coxiella burneti Chlamydia psittaci Hospital acquired Gram-negative bacilli Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae Legionella pneumophila Haemophilus influenzae Pseudomonas spp Immunocompromised patients Pneumocystis carinii Cytomegalovirus Mycobacterium avium- intracellulare Mycobacterium tuberculosis Streptococcus pneumoniae Haemophilus influenzae Legionella pneumophila Actinomyces israelii Aspergillus fumigatus Nocardia asteroides


13 Croupous pneumonia Acute inflammation of lungs, which in most cases spreads on all pulmonary lobe. That is why it is called lobar pneumonia (pneumonia lobaris), but can be limited to the affection of segment or a few segments. Synonims fibrinous pneumonia, pleuropneumonia


15 Pneumococci

16 пневмокок

17 Pneumococci are typically asociated with pneumonia

18 Clinical stages: initial clinical manifestation (corresponds to red and grey hepatisation resolution

19 Lobar pneumonia: stage of onset Morphology. Congestion stage — extensive serous exudation, vascular engorgement, rapid bacterial pro­ liferation. Inspection. An increased respiratory rate is usually evident. Pain is a frequent accompaniment, and with it the involved side shows a lag of respiratory motion. Palpation. Palpation confirms the findings on in­spection. Tactile fremitus is normal or even slightly decreased, and a pleural friction rub may be present. Percussion. Impaired resonance may be elici­ted with light percussion. This finding is extremely important. Auscultation. Although the breath sounds may be diminished, expiration is prolonged and crepitation (crepitus indux) is heard. With pleural involvement, a pleural friction sound is determined.


21 Lobar pneumonia: stage of consolidation Morphology. Red hepatization stage — airspaces are filled with PMN cells, vascular congestion, extravasa­tion of RBC. Grey hepatization stage — accumulation of fibrin, inflammatory WBCs and RBCs in various stages of disintegration, alveolar spaces filled with in­flammatory exudate. Complaints. Coughing may be associated with i sharp pain in the affected side. Mucoid sputum be comes rusty brown (prune juice color).

22 General inspection. Cyanosis of the lips and fin gers. When the fever is high, the face may be flushed The patient's nostrils dilate on inspiration, and expi ration is often grunting. Inspection. Dyspnea is invariably present. Respi ratory movements are generally decreased on the af fected side. Palpation. Diminished respiratory excursions, i pleural friction rub may be felt. Tactile fremitus is in creased. Percussion. Dullness. Auscultation. Bronchial breathing, bronchophony, pectoriloquy and whispered bronchophony are evident with consolidation provided the bronchus to the in volved area is open. Rales are less numerous and dis tinct than in the stages of engorgement or resolution,



25 Forced position






31 Lobar pneumonia: stage of resolution Morphology. Resolution stage — resorption of the exudate. Inspection. The patient looks more comfortable and the cyanosis disappears. The dyspnea disappears and the affected lung begins to expand again. Palpation. The previously increased tactile fremitus becomes less marked and gradually findings beco­me normal.

32 Percussion. The dullness gradually disappears and normal resonance returns. Auscultation. The bronchial breathing is gradually replaced by bronchovesicular breathing and later by normal vesicular breathing. Crepitation reappears (crepitus redux). Small and large moist rales are heard in increasing numbers.


34 Complications Lung abscess or gangroene Pleurisy Toxic shock Myocarditis Acute respiratory insufficiency Pneumosclerosis Atelectasis Sepsis Meningitis, encefalitis












46 Pleurisy

47 Pleurisy with effusion: 1— Damoiseau's curve; 2— Garland's triangle; 3—Rauchfuss-Grocco triangle.

48 Lung abscess Lung abscess

49 Lung abscess

50 Focal pneumonia


52 The feature of these pneumonias is an involvement of separate lobules or groups of lobules in the inflammatory process. Therefore it is named also lobular (pneumonia lobularis) Synonim: bronchopneumonia

53 Principles of treatment Antibiotics Expectorants Desintoxication Oxygen Antigistamine agents Symptomatic therapy

54 Сorrect regimen Bed mode Care of patients: proper lighting and ventilation (fresh air improve patient’s sleep and bronchial clearance) Care of oral cavity

55 Diet about 2,5-3 litres of loquid per day (water with lemon juice, mineral or boiled water Fruit juices chicken clear soups food should be easly assimilable in some days – diet № 10 or 15.

56 Diet enriched with vitamins

57 КліматотерапіяClimatotherapy mild dry warm climat mild dry warm climat ПРИМОРСЬКІ КУРОРТИ З НИЗЬКИМ РІВНЕМ ВОЛОГОСТІ

58 Symptomatic means antitussives antipyretics Pain killers antiinflammmatory (nonsteroidal in pleural pain) cardiotonics


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