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Presentation on theme: "POVERTY AND INEQUALITY REALIZED FOR: Wendy Yulieth Montaño Renuma."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. WHAT'S THE ARTICLE ABOUT? This article treats principally on the poverty and the inequality in Colombia, in the rural and urban zones, which is in constant development in different spaces and temporalities, since are problematic that arise as result of the inequitable distribution of property that has led to generating another series of problems as the dissatisfaction of different types of needs, in addition shows as the traffic of drugs and the sowing of illicit crops has helped to increase the numbers of poverty in Colombia. Also this article sample with numbers the importance of fight the poverty across public policies promoted by the government for diminish the indexes of poverty.

3 2. WHAT'S YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE ARTICLE? I think that this is one of the problematic ones who is affecting in great proportion to the Colombian population because damaging the quality of life of the persons, generating dissatisfaction of the needs, and this in occasions has generated the increase of deaths in the country for malnutrition, in addition this has produced a stagnation in the social, economic and political development of the country. Also I think that this is very little approached for the public policies, this problematics must have more attention, for minimized his effects, it can generate a positive impact in the different sectors of the country.

4 3. IN YOUR OWN WORDS DESCRIBE WHAT IS POVERTY AND INEQUALITY. Poverty and the inequality: Are considered with the problematic that develops in the different countries, for the inequitable distribution of property, also is generated by multiple factors as the displacement, the increase of the traffic of drugs and illicit crops, the armed conflict, between others. In addition these are problematic that arise as result of the globalization, that sought to follow by the trend of generating social classes, where few opportunities of study are given to the population, and more actions of assistance social that alone contribute increase the poverty because are not actions that allow develop the growth of the social actors.

5 4. AS A SOCIAL WORKER, HOW CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO DICREASE THIS SOCIAL PROBLEM? I think that the social worker can help to diminish the indexes of poverty, because can develop actions focused in the social development, where the population has an active participation in the processes, for not to generate welfare actions that increase the indexes of poverty, in addition to this the social worker can generate projects or social policies that have as end diminish the inequality, guaranteeing the satisfaction of the different needs.

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