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Volleyball Passing Emily Bruns Kassidy Branning Pa Kou Yang Victoria Thuot.

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Presentation on theme: "Volleyball Passing Emily Bruns Kassidy Branning Pa Kou Yang Victoria Thuot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volleyball Passing Emily Bruns Kassidy Branning Pa Kou Yang Victoria Thuot

2 Feet in Athletic position with your right foot slightly in front of the left.

3 Bend your knees with your bottom low to the ground.

4 Your arms should be straight and locked with them parallel to the ground.

5 You make a fist with one of your hands and with the other you cup around it.

6 Your thumbs should be pointed towards the ground.

7 This is how you should look after the first 6 steps.

8 The ball as shown should hit your forearms with a level platform.

9 While keeping your eyes on the ball, you use your legs to push the ball to the setter or target. You should not swing your arms to direct the ball.

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