Latin Americans Win Independence

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1 Latin Americans Win Independence
Inspired by the revolutions in North America and France, Latin Americans overthrew European rule.

2 Key Terms and Figures Key Terms Haciendas Peninsulares Creoles
Mestizos Mulattoes Key figures Simon Bolivar Toussaint-Louverture Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Monroe Doctrine

3 What About the Bronze? Spain and Portugal spread mercantilism to Latin America Took Gold and Silver from their colonies and marketed their goods there Some colonists, conquistadors, could have large self sufficient farms called haciendas to produce a variety of goods

4 These Guys Can’t Catch A Break
American Indians were used as slaves and were wiped out by diseases Dying Indian populations gave rise to African Slavery Spanish Cities began to grow and became centers of commerce

5 Class and Rank High Society
Peninsulares were Europeans who were born on the Iberian peninsula and came to Latin America Creoles were white settlers born in the colonies and had some wealth Low Rollers Mestizos were mixed ancestry combining European and American Indian Descent Mulattoes were mixed Ancestry European and African Descent Africans and American Indians were lowest rungs of society

6 Church and Estate Catholic Church begins to spread power in Latin America both helping and exploiting American Indians Spanish women had some power in Latin America, owning property and estates and running SOME family businesses

7 Is This A Repeat? King Charles III looks to gain power back in colonies and institutes an Intendancy system Colonists get angered by Charles III new taxes, intendancy system, and eliminating competition Colonists begin to call for independence and are led by Simon Bolivar

8 Love and Haiti Relationship
French Settlers Own Large Plantations in Saint Domingue and lose power as French Revolution begins Toussaint-Louverture leads free mulattoes and slaves in a rebellion against the settlers Saint Domingue becomes the first colony to win independence and becomes Haiti

9 Mexican Radio Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla leads the first attempt at Mexican Independence but is captured and killed Fearing liberalism, the creoles stage an independence movement led by General Agustin de Iturbide and win

10 A Whole New World Iturbide’s dictatorship fails and Mexico becomes a republic Central America forms United Provinces of Central America including Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica

11 South American Airlines
General San Martin gains independence for Argentina and Paraguay Simon Bolivar leads Bloody Rebellions in Venezuala and Gran Columbia, and San Martin and Bernardo O’Higgins gain independence in Chile San Martin wins independence for Peru and Bolivar helps upper Peru gain independence and names it Bolivia

12 If I Had A Brazilian Dollars
Dom Joao becomes leader of Brazil and Portugal but returns to Portugal leaving son Dom Pedro in charge Dom Pedro Declares Brazil independent and in 1825 Uruguay becomes independent Most of Latin America is Independent excluding Cuba and Puerto Rico

13 You Take the Good, You Take the Bad
Monroe Doctrine gives US support and protection to Latin American Independence Mestizoes make gains in society and Slavery is abolished United Provinces of Central America falls apart into separate nations Simon Bolivar tries to Spread Unity, but only the IDEA of Unity can be supported in Latin America

14 Same Old Song and Dance Conservatives Favor: Upper Class Creoles
Strong Catholic Church Government Control of the Economy Liberals Favor: Mestizos Separation of Church and State Democratic Republics Laissez-Faire Economy

15 More Problems Rebellions and elections lead to instability, dictatorships, unrest, and many new governments Catholic Church leads to conflict as conservatives protest the church and its power and liberals support it Industry and Trade lead to SOME stability and economic Growth

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