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Vertebral column 1 FUNCTIONS: 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Protection of CNS/PNS.

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Presentation on theme: "Vertebral column 1 FUNCTIONS: 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Protection of CNS/PNS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vertebral column 1 FUNCTIONS: 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Protection of CNS/PNS

2 Support 2

3 Movement 3

4 Protection of CNS/PNS 4

5 Bones 5

6 A typical vertebra 6

7 7

8 Vertebral canal 8


10 Spinal Nerves and plexus

11 11

12 12

13 Intervertebral Discs 13

14 Characteristic features of SVJ 14

15 JOINTS 15

16 Vertebral joints: a. between disks (symphysis) b. between arches (synovial) 16


18 I.V.Disc Prolapse 18

19 Sacrum and Coccyx 19


21 Lumbar Plexus


23 23

24 IL = inguinal ligament IC = inguinal crease (a natural skin fold 4– 6 cm below the inguinal ligament), FA = femoral artery 24

25 Sacral Plexus



28 SCIATIC NERVE INJURY Commonly injured in following conditions: I.V.Disc Prolapse Dislocation of hip joint Piriformis syndrome Intramuscular injection 28

29 Intramuscular injection 29

30 30

31 31

32 Dislocation of hip joint 32

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