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Social Injustice: Genocide

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1 Social Injustice: Genocide
By: Lauryn Bailey

2 What is Social Injustice?
Social Injustice is the unfairness or injustice of a society Most of the time Social Injustice is used as a synonym for Immorality which is evil, sinful, or otherwise bad behavior Social Injustice is also when someone is going against what is right just to do the wrong thing for their own benefit, most of the time they don’t care who it hurts

3 What is the incident I researched?
I researched Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide Rwanda is made up of 3 tribes: The Hutu Tribe, The Tutsis Tribe, and The Belgian Tribe They all tried to wipe each other out completely because they all had different ethnic beliefs

4 What led up to the incident?
The Hutus tried to “ethnically cleanse” the Tutsis and the Belgians but this only made them mad They wanted to keep believing their own beliefs and so they decided to fight off the Hutus so their beliefs would never be heard again When the Tutsis and the Belgians were doing this, they decided that they wanted to have the only beliefs in Rwanda, so the Tutsis went after the Belgians and vice versa

5 What were the results of the incidents?
Thousands of innocent deaths Many people lost family members and friends After the Genocide, many people took their families and left Rwanda forever Many people who survived and are alive today are severely scarred by what they saw

6 Why was the topic interesting to me?
This topic was interesting because this shows that a lot of really bad things can happen when someone challenges another This also shows that many lives can be lost during just 100 days of war This personal Narrative stood out to me because this didn’t involve a dictator like most Genocides, this was just 3 tribes fighting for who’s beliefs were “correct”

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