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What does ISIS stand for? Islamic State of Iraq & Syria.

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2 What does ISIS stand for? Islamic State of Iraq & Syria

3 First, a comparison of Nazi Germany & ISIS

4 Germany 1928: A.Suffering from the end of WWI & Treaty of Versailles B.Great Depression C.Food Prices & Unemployment are extremely high - By 1939 A.Hitler has complete control. B.Stopped all the requirements Germany had to Treaty of Versailles.

5 Germany By 1939 A. Hitler has complete control. B. Stopped all the requirements Germany had to Treaty of Versailles.

6 The World’s Reaction? A.Great Britain & France = Appeasement. B.Appeasement = Giving in to keep peace. C.America = 2 reactions: Isolationist & The Great Depression D.Isolationist = The act of not being involved.

7 Let’s look at the land acquired by ISIS today….


9 What country does ISIS belong to? ----None----

10 Who is ISIS? Made up of major groups of people. – 1. Leftover from Sadam’s Army. Sadam was a SUNNI. When Sadam was captured and hung, his ARMY made up of some radical SUNNI’s ran.

11 Who is ISIS? 2. Al-Qaeda – terrorist group. – ISIS individuals splintered from Al- Qaeda after death of Bin Laden (May 2011) – ISIS members are “too extreme for Al-Qaeda” b/c they go after Muslims too.

12 What does ISIS want? They want a HARDLINE SUNNI ISLAMIC STATE. Caliphate, the political- religious state comprising the Muslim community and the lands and peoples under its dominion in the centuries following the death (632 ad) of the Prophet Muhammad

13 Why ISIS will continue to flourish ISIS is SUNNI Muslim (Sadam had power, punks). The Shia/Shiite Muslim is the other half of IRAQ (power shifted to them after death of Sadam). The difference between the two deals with who was to take over after the death of Muhammad.

14 Why beheadings? 1. Psychological Warfare 2. Quran: SURA47:4 “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” Steven Sotloff, David Haines Daniel Pearl Nick Berg Eugene Armstrong Jack Hensley James Foley – Newspaper reporter

15 How does ISIS make money? 1. Initially EXTORTION(hostage) & ROBBERY. 2. NOW – Vast collection of land, controlling major industries (OIL). The terror group makes hundreds of millions of dollars from selling oil they've produced or captured from Iraq and Syria. It's usually smuggled across the border into Turkey and sold on the black market. “In a rare show of world unity, the United Nations has passed a legally-binding resolution aimed at cutting off funding for ISIS in Iraq and Syria.” FOX NEWS

16 Who is the leader of ISIS? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Doctorate degree in Islamic Studies Joined Al-Qaeda DETAINED in Camp Bucca (US run prison in southern Iraq-released in 2009). Calls himself Al-Khalifah Ibrahim

17 What ISIS “accomplished” in 2014 Al-Qaeda calls ISIS “too radical” and renounces them. Captured 140 schoolboys in Syria, forced to learn radical Islam Seized Mosul airport (Iraq) and TV stations – all the while freeing 1000 prisoners. Captures 5 majors town on Syria/Iraq border in 3 weeks. In June announce the creation of “caliphate” (Islamic state) that erases all state borders, makes Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi self declared ruler of 1.5 BILLION Muslims

18 Con’t 2014 “accomplishments” 1.2 million Iraqis have been forced to leave their homes. ISIS takes control over Syrian oil field- al-Omar. It is Syria’s largest oil field. 75,000 barrels of oil a day. ISIS blow up Jonah’s tomb Calls US, “terrified, weak, and powerless.” Beheaded 6 Americans, 2 British, and 2 Japanese reporters within a 3 month period.

19 “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund BurkeAll that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

20 Assignment Due Tuesday… What would be your comprehensive plan to rid the world of ISIS? – Thorough, intelligent, world view answers ONLY. – “Nuking them” is NOT an answer that will be accepted. – 1 page MIN. – I prefer typed. Dbl space. Times New Roman.

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