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Manifest Destiny = obvious fate What are you meant to do in your lifetime? What does your obvious fate look like? What would the picture look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Manifest Destiny = obvious fate What are you meant to do in your lifetime? What does your obvious fate look like? What would the picture look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifest Destiny = obvious fate What are you meant to do in your lifetime? What does your obvious fate look like? What would the picture look like?



4 Why would Americans want to expand?





9 Reason for Change Increasing population – Birthrates – Immigration New lands – Purchase, war, negotiation, treaty, take- over Americans filled the new landscape – “elbow room” – Adventure – New opportunity – Better life – Business venture/$ – Forced to leave

10 Reason for Change As America grew…and people had… –D–Different ideas about Religion –P–Protestant vs Catholic Values –S–Slavery vs Non-slavery –A–Alcohol Ways of living –E–Equality of women –E–Education – Public vs Private The blending of these people (their lifestyles, their beliefs, their patterns, etc.) created an environment for – – Potential controversy – Potential change

11 Social Reform is born Social Reform was the result of all of this (pop. growth, movement west, blending of cultures/customs)

12 Social Reform is born An era of change swept across the United States – Change was slow Some resisted change Some embraced change/enlightened Some accepted parts of change but not sweeping change – Change took concentrated efforts – These changes have impacted the lives we lead in 2016


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