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Presentation on theme: "RADIO NAVIGATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Exam! Time: 1hr 30min 59 questions Day 3, i.e. Wednesday, 11:15
75% pass mark

3 DIRECTION FINDING General Principles

4 VHF Direction Finding (VDF)
Service available to aircraft using VHF A/G Comms Frequency range = MHz Uses line-of-sight transmission from the aircraft to the ground station

5 DF - General Principles
Radio waves travel along great circle routes

6 DF - General Principles
An aerial used to detect the direction of a radio wave is known as a loop antenna With an AM transmission, the antenna is energised by the Carrier Wave portion of the signal The polar diagram for a loop antenna is a figure of eight

7 LOOP ANTENNA NULL Maximum Signal Strength Maximum Signal Strength NULL

8 Adcock VDF Aerial

9 Doppler Direction Finder

10 Ground Station

11 VDF CRT Display

12 Magnetic bearing to the station True bearing from the station
Types of Bearings Red = Magnetic Blue = True QDR QTE QDM QUJ QDM QTE QDR QUJ Magnetic bearing to the station True bearing from the station Magnetic bearing from the station True bearing to the station

13 Classification of Bearings
Class A Class B Class C Class D ± 2º ± 5º ± 10º accuracy less than Class C

14 Example of R/T Phraseology
“Walden Homer G-ABCD Request QDM G-ABCD” “G-ABCD Walden Homer QDM 245 degrees, Class Bravo” “245 degrees, Class Bravo, G-ABCD” Refer to Communications notes

15 VDF Approach = Pilot interpreted procedure
QGH procedure = Controller interpreted

16 Range & Errors VHF propagation = Line of Sight Terrain
Approximate MTR = FL x 12 Terrain Atmospheric Refraction: Super-refraction Sub-refraction Transmitter Power Multi-path reflections

17 Synchronous Transmissions
Vector addition of signals

18 Range & Errors Adverse polarisation:
Ground transmissions are vertically polarised Best results obtained when aircraft is flying straight and level

19 Questions In which frequency range is VHF DF available? 118 – 137 MHz
What part of the aircraft transmission does the ground equipment respond to? The carrier wave What is the accuracy of a Class A bearing? ± 2º

20 Questions Is a QGH procedure pilot or controller interpreted?
A true bearing to the aircraft from the station is a Q..? QTE A magnetic bearing to the aircraft from the station is a Q..? QDR

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