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ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Eleven. elixir – (n.) a supposed remedy for all ailments The old woman had a secret elixir that she claimed would cur.

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Presentation on theme: "ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Eleven. elixir – (n.) a supposed remedy for all ailments The old woman had a secret elixir that she claimed would cur."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Eleven

2 elixir – (n.) a supposed remedy for all ailments The old woman had a secret elixir that she claimed would cur a cold in a day. Synonyms medicine panacea

3 desiccated – (adj.) dried up When she opened the old scrapbook, a desiccated rose fell to the floor.

4 cessation – (n.) a stopping; a discontinuance There was a cessation in the battle, but everyone knew that the shooting would begin again. Synonyms ceasing end Antonyms beginning commencement

5 juxtapose – (v.) to place side-by-side for comparison To weigh your options, juxtapose the good things with the bad. Synonyms measure examine

6 kinetic – (adj.) pertaining to motion To demonstrate kinetic energy, Shane threw a steel ball across the lab.

7 garrulous – (adj.) talkative We didn’t think that the garrulous salesman would ever leave. Synonyms loquacious verbose Antonyms taciturn

8 fetish – (n.) an object that receives respect or devotion The totem pole was a fetish of the tribe. Synonyms charm talisman

9 scintillate – (v.) to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually The lights scintillated throughout the otherwise drab room.

10 lachrymose – (adj.) tearful; weepy It was time for Debbie to get over her lachrymose behavior and start smiling again.

11 fissure – (n.) an opening; a groove; a split The earthquake created fissures that swallowed cars and buildings.

12 epitome – (n.) a typical example As she attended to the comfort of her guests, she was the epitome of Southern hospitality. Synonyms embodiment archetype

13 languid – (adj.) sluggish; drooping from weakness The hot summer day made everyone languid. Synonyms listless feeble drooping Antonyms robust vigorous

14 delineate – (v.) to describe; to depict The politician delineated his disarmament proposal in great detail.

15 legerdemain – (n.) sleight of hand; deception The magician’s act was an extraordinary feat of legerdemain.

16 libertine– (n.) one who leads an immoral life He pretended to be righteous during the day, but he was a libertine at night. Synonyms glutton epicurean

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