Graphing Big Book By: Mrs. Uhrich. Before you can make a graph, you need to ask a question. In graphing, a question is called a survey. What is your favorite.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Big Book By: Mrs. Uhrich. Before you can make a graph, you need to ask a question. In graphing, a question is called a survey. What is your favorite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Big Book By: Mrs. Uhrich

2 Before you can make a graph, you need to ask a question. In graphing, a question is called a survey. What is your favorite juice? The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

3 After you ask a question, you need to collect your data. That means you need to record it somewhere. Data is another word for information. Information is numbers! The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

4 One way you can organize your data is with a tally chart. This is an easy way to show the information you have collected from your survey. The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

5 After you organize your data in a tally chart, you need to choose a graph. You can show your data in either a bar graph or a picture graph. The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information. Bar GraphPicture Graph

6 Bar graphs are an easy way to organize your data. The bars represent the numbers from your tally chart. Every graph has a title. Information is displayed in bars. You can interpret the data by looking at the bars. Use your data to compare and contrast. Look at the scale to see how many of each item you have. The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

7 Bar graphs can look different. Sometimes the bars go vertically other times they go horizontally. The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information. VerticallyHorizontally

8 Picture graphs show data in the form of pictures. Each picture is a symbol for the data. When you look at a picture graph be sure to look at the key. It will tell you the number each picture stands for. The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

9 Remember… The most important thing about graphing is that it shows data. Data is information.

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