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Jacobins (Repub.) (Left) Moderates (Center) Girondins (1791) (Right)

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Presentation on theme: "Jacobins (Repub.) (Left) Moderates (Center) Girondins (1791) (Right)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacobins (Repub.) (Left) Moderates (Center) Girondins (1791) (Right)

2 I. Biblical Left And Right

3 Direction, Gn.14:15 Opportunities, Gn.24:…49. (13:9) Greater / lesser blessings, Gn.48:13-19 Total protection, Ex.14:22, 29 (2 Co.6:7) Deception, treachery, Jg.3:15, 21 Stubbornness, 2 Sm.2:19-21 Location, Neh.8:4 Talent, ability, 1 Chr.12:2

4 Character, Ec.10:2. Two hearts: Innocence, Jon.4:11 Guilt by association, Lk.23:33. Cf. 22:37 Right hand Idiom: protection (Ec.7:12; Ps.16:8; 110:5; 121:5) Wise heart protects him Left hand Contrast: gets trouble “Sinister” Verse 3: foolish ways revealed

5 I. Biblical Right And Left II. Lessons Right And Left

6 1. Prohibition, Nu.20:17 God set up boundaries for His people  Nu.22:26, life or death  Dt.5:32, in the details  Dt.17:11, 20, not one iota  Josh.1:7, all or nothing 2 Jn.9 NT boundaries

7 2. Proof, 1Sm.6 Is.8:19-20 Mt.7:15-20  15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn- bushes or figs from thistles?

8 Ac.17:11 Twofold tribute: 1 Th.5:21 Paul asks them to apply tests Some things look good on surface Attitude: more open-minded Action: examined daily

9 3. Prosperity, Pro.3:13-16 Preference, 13-15 Prize, 16  1 K.3:11-13 Wisdom didn’t go home alone RichesHonorLong lifeWisdom

10 4. Principles, Pro.4:20-27 Focus, 25 Feet, 27  Thousands of wrong roads  Pro.14:12

11 5. Pride, Mt.6:3 Instead of blowing a trumpet, don’t even remind yourself, or be impressed  Lk.18:9-12  True love forgets – Wrongs done to it (1 Co.13:5) Charity done by it (Mt.25:31)

12 1. Prohibition, Nu.20:17 2. Proof, 1 Sm.6 3. Prosperity, Pro.3:13-16 4. Principles, Pro.4:20-27 5. Pride, Mt.6:3 6. Promise, Mt.25:…33, 41 As we face Lord, His right is our left (Mt.7:21-23)

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