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1 West Virginia State University Strategic Plan Initiative 2011-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 West Virginia State University Strategic Plan Initiative 2011-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 West Virginia State University Strategic Plan Initiative 2011-2013

2 2 Develop focused programs to ensure student academic success, and thereby increase retention and graduation rates. WVSU Strategic Goal 1

3 WVSU Strategic Goal 2 Invest in strategic marketing to create and convey a compelling brand identity. 3

4 WVSU Strategic Goal 3 Engage in long-term, sustained philanthropic success. 4

5 Grow enrollment through planning and execution of a focused enrollment marketing campaign. 5 WVSU Strategic Goal 4

6 Develop a university-wide research agenda that furthers WVSU’s reputation for scholarship and academic excellence. 6 WVSU Strategic Goal 5

7 Develop Academic Centers of Excellence that are widely recognized and held in high esteem by external stakeholders and the public at large. 7 WVSU Strategic Goal 6

8 What Have We Already Accomplished? 8

9 9 We have captured the voice of WVSU students, administrators, faculty, staff, community stakeholders, and business partners.

10 Developed Recommendations for Organizing for Transformation and Success 10

11 Developed recommendations as to why we need as strategic marketing plan. 11

12 What Remains to be Done (Next Steps) 12

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