MICE Detector Integration A. Bross Mice Video Meeting August 27, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE Detector Integration A. Bross Mice Video Meeting August 27, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE Detector Integration A. Bross Mice Video Meeting August 27, 2003

2 MICE Detector Integration  Although the issues surrounding MICE detector integration are simpler than those for the absorbers, focusing, and solenoid coils, there are a number of issues that require careful consideration u Safety s Electrical, HV, gas flammability u Services s Power s Cooling u Radiation Shielding from cavity conditioning  The main concern is related to the tracker since the up and downstream detectors can be decoupled from the cooling channel. u Safety, of course, still has to be maintained and services for these detectors are still an issue

3 MICE Detector Integration  What needs to be studied is quite different for the two tracking options that are being considered. u TPG s Has active components in or near solenoid –Stored energy in TPC (½C(50,000) 2 ) HV insulation –Preamp Power Ignition source May require cooling s Is intrinsically Rad Hard –May not need shielding from cavities during commissioning u Fiber Tracker s Is intrinsically safe –No active components in channel s Not intrinsically Rad Hard –May need shielding Ed Black has conceptual design using commercial vacuum gate valves – promising and not too expensive!

4 MICE Detector Integration  Both require floor space near cooling channel for electronics and cryo(FT).  Critical issues u TPG s Analysis of Stored energy and HV insulation. –Ignition source vz a vz H safety? s Preamp power –Ignition source vz a vz H safety? u FT s Available space for cryostat –Defines fiber waveguide lengths and thus final light yield  All Detectors: u List of required services u Ruling from RAL safety which electrical systems must conform to H safety rules.

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