Health Concerns. DIABETES Causes Type 1 – Hereditary (you are born with it) – The immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells in the.

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1 Health Concerns


3 Causes Type 1 – Hereditary (you are born with it) – The immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreases. Type 2 – Excess body fat – Inactivity

4 Symptoms Increased thirst Frequent urination Extreme hunger Unexplained weight loss Fatigue Blurred vision Slow-healing sores

5 High Risk Type 1 – Family history Type 2 – Overweight – Inactive

6 Prevention Type 1 – None Type 2 – Maintain a healthy weight – Eat nutritious foods – Keep active

7 Diabetes Video Clip Can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed? Show video clip.


9 Causes Plaque forms along the inner wall of the arteries.

10 Symptoms Chest pain Shortness of breath Pain Numbness and/or weakness or coldness in legs and/or arms

11 High Risk Genetics Age High-fat diet Lack of exercise High stress Smoke and tobacco use Excessive alcohol consumption Lowe fiber intake Low vitamin/mineral intake

12 Prevention Decrease foods that are high in: – Saturated fats – Sodium Exercise


14 Causes Severe depletion of iron stores resulting in low blood hemoglobin.

15 Symptoms Weak Tired Mental state effected

16 High Risk Menstruating women

17 Prevention Eat foods high in iron – Red meat, egg yolks, dark green vegetables, dried fruits, fortified cereals Eat foods high in Vitamin C – Oranges and tomatoes – Helps with iron absorption in the body


19 Causes Heredity Not getting enough fiber in the diet

20 Symptoms Often there are no early symptoms Bloody stools Abdominal pain

21 High Risk Top cancer causing death in the United States It is preventable

22 Prevention Eat high fiber foods – Whole grains – Fruits – Vegetables Eat between 25 and 35 grams of fiber daily


24 Causes Bones become porous and fragile due to a lack of calcium.

25 Symptoms Bones break easily Curvature of the spine

26 High Risk Females Elderly

27 Prevention Eat 3 to 4 servings of foods rich in calcium – Milk and dairy products – Broccoli – Salmon – Figs


29 Causes Having too much body fat

30 Symptoms Body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more

31 High Risk Those that do not exercise – Major contributor to obesity in the United States

32 Prevention Balance calorie intake with output – People tend to underestimate their calorie intake and overestimate their calorie output. Eat nutrient dense foods

33 Prevention Avoid high sugar, sodium, and fat foods Increase overall activity – Take the stairs over the elevator – Park further away from the building and walk

34 Obesity Problem in America Show video clip “Obesity in America”

35 Summary There are many health concerns that are nutritional based. By watching what you eat, it will help reduce the risk of many of these diseases.

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