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Protestant Reformation Development of Christian Denominations.

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1 Protestant Reformation Development of Christian Denominations

2 Protestant Reformation  As the Catholic church has been formed for years a few issues begin to arise.  Is the church gaining too much power?

3 Major Questions  Should those with spiritual power also hold political power?  Does God save man without man’s efforts?  Is grace something in man that makes him worthy of eternal life?

4 Martin Luther  These questions and many more were raised by Martin Luther  Augustinian monk that nailed the ‘Ninety-five Theses’ to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517.

5 So what are the ninety-five thesis?

6 His challenge  This sets up a challenge against the Roman Catholic church.  Should not be compromised with political powers  Too much dependence on human work’s instead of trusting in Christ.

7 Divisions  Luther believes there are divisions between  Political & Spiritual  Natural & Supernatural  Human & Divine The Roman Catholic church has crossed these divisions.

8 Sale of Indulgences  People could claim heavenly rewards in exchange for money.  According to Luther, faith in Jesus Christ alone saves you.

9 Ultimate Message  Luther: “Religion should always be criticizing a dependence on worldly things and earthly power.”  All of these ideas and issues caused major fights across Europe.

10 Episcopalians  Name given to those that follow Anglican.  Often seen as churches with red doors.  Red represents Christ’s blood shed for sinners

11 Origins from Church of England  Has a combination of Protestant & Catholic elements  Puritans and many others came to America to start reform movements.  Revolutionary War almost ended Anglican work in America.

12 Protestant Episcopal Church`  In USA this is what the Anglican Church turns into.  Developed their own bishops, prayer books and services

13 Beliefs  Book of Common Prayer  This includes Nicene and Apostles’ Creed  Eucharist – Don’t believe it is body and blood – but requires more special ceremony as it holds supernatural powers.  Must attend church services  However, Bible readings personally outside of church are extremely important.

14 Baptists  Second largest group of Christians in the United States.  How do you figure out who’s a Christian – Profess your faith and then seal it with baptism  Founded by Roger Williams – churches ought to be composed of those people who’ve made a conscious choice to be included.  Members are present based on their own free will.

15 Baptists in America  Southern Baptist Convention – largest movement  Baptists exist as individual communities and congregations.

16 Born Again  Only adults not infants can be baptized.  Born again – intense spiritual experience in which a person comes to terms with sin and asks for forgiveness.

17 Baptist Beliefs Cont.  Some Baptists believe that Jesus died only for a ‘selected’ group of people  Others believe that he died for everyone.  Unrefined preachers fill their pulpits rather than seminary-trained professionals.  Sermons are delivered directly from the Bible.

18 Mormons  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints.  Joseph Smith in the 1820s spoke with an angel named Moroni.

19 Book of Mormon  At 14, Smith met Moroni who told him the location of The Book of Mormon.  Smith translated this book and then Moroni took it back to heaven with him. Mormons believe we are living in the “Latter Days” of corruption that soon see Jesus’ second coming. Eventually they were forced to migrate out west to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1847.

20 Nephites  Nephites are Israelites that traveled to America in 600BC.  Jesus appeared to them and gave them instructions to create a true church on American soil.  War broke out and Moroni was the only survivor (son of their leader Mormon)

21 Controversy  Polygamy – having multiple wives.  This is no longer common for Mormons, but still occurs.  Mormons must also give up a life of alcohol, coffee, tea, and tobacco.

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