Section C Writing E-Mail Messages. E-mail e-mail 一般由三部分组成 : 邮件头( e-mail header ), 正文( message content ), 签名( signature ) From: 寄件人邮件地址 To: 收件人邮件地址 Cc:


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Do you have a soccer ball?
Presentation transcript:

Section C Writing Messages

一般由三部分组成 : 邮件头( header ), 正文( message content ), 签名( signature ) From: 寄件人邮件地址 To: 收件人邮件地址 Cc: 抄送 Subject: 主题 Date: 日期 Bcc: 暗送 Attachments: 附件 Message content: 正文 Signature: 签名

Sample 1 Sample 1: From: Jackson He To: Snow White Cc: Subject: meeting summary Attachments: the meeting summary Date: Sun, Aug 10th, :09:42 Dear Snow: I have distributed the meeting summary to all of you, but none of you have raised any questions. This is to ask for response from you. Attached is the meeting summary. Please read it carefully and don’t hesitate to raise your questions. Thanks! Jackson

Guidelines for Writing messages Message Addresses 1. Be careful when addressing your . There are addresses that may go to a group, but the address addresses that may go to a group, but the address looks like it is just one person. Know to whom you are looks like it is just one person. Know to whom you are sending each message. sending each message. 2. Watch cc’s when replying. Don’t continue to include the people irrlevant if the mail has become a two-way people irrlevant if the mail has become a two-way conversation. conversation. 3. Verify all addresses before initiating a long or personal discourse. discourse.

Guidelines for Writing messages Message Content 1. Think first! Remember that the other person cannot see your face or hear your voice and therefore cannot your face or hear your voice and therefore cannot determine the emotional context of the message. determine the emotional context of the message. Sarcasm ( 讲反话 ) can easily be misinterpreted. Sarcasm ( 讲反话 ) can easily be misinterpreted. 2. Be careful with upper case. Upper case looks as if you’re shouting, which may be considered rude. shouting, which may be considered rude. 3. Be brief without being overly terse. When replying to a message, include enough original material to be message, include enough original material to be understood, but no more. It is extremely bad form to understood, but no more. It is extremely bad form to reply to a message by including the entire previous reply to a message by including the entire previous message; edit out all the irrelevant material. message; edit out all the irrelevant material.

Guidelines for Writing a Résumé Attachments & the Size of s Know how large a message you are sending. Including Know how large a message you are sending. Including large files such as postscript files or programs may make your message too large to deliver or at least consumes excessive resources. Consider file transfer as an alternative, or cutting the file into smaller chunks and sending each as a separate message. In the rare cases where it is necessary to send a large file, keep in mind that the UXB Internet Servers will not accept messages larger than 3 megabytes

Exercises Directions : Complete the following in reply to Jackson He, the sender of the above sample , according to the following information.. 以 Snow White 的名义回复,邮件地址是 抄送至: 内容: 收到邮件并致谢。同时表示自己对总结没有问题要问。 告知对方自己这两天一直在思考推销计划( promotion 告知对方自己这两天一直在思考推销计划( promotion plan ),认为它听起来不错,但不尽完善。这是自己在 plan ),认为它听起来不错,但不尽完善。这是自己在 会上就提了的。可能的话,最好先做市场调查( market 会上就提了的。可能的话,最好先做市场调查( market investigation ),然后实施推销计划 investigation ),然后实施推销计划

Exercises From: _______________ To: ____________ Cc: __________________ Subject: _____________________ Date: __________________________ Dear _______ Got it. Thanks. I have ___________ about the summary. These past two days I’ve been _______________________ plan. Although it sounds ____, the plan, as I mentioned at the meeting, is far from ______. Probably it’s better for us to _______________________ before we carry the plan out. With best regards, ______