Chapter 1 Quiz.  A world in which human populations can continue to exist indefinitely with a high standard of living and health is known as sustainable.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Quiz

 A world in which human populations can continue to exist indefinitely with a high standard of living and health is known as sustainable.  The thin layer of life around the Earth is the biosphere

 People  Plants  Animals  Land  Air  Water

 Caused environmental problems in the late 20 th century

 A scientist makes a hypothesis or educated guess about something.  The scientist then completes an experiment to confirm his or her hypothesis.  After finishing the hypothesis, the scientist should publish the results of the experiment – even if the experiment did not support the hypothesis.

 Need to consider the economics and the values.  Can almost always be traced back to the consumption crisis (most severe in developed countries) and the population crisis.  Final step when investigating environmental issues is always to make a decision.  3 main environmental problems – pollution, extinction, and resource depletion

 The using up of natural resources  This covers both renewable and non- renewable resources.

 Resources that can be replenished naturally constantly.  Examples – solar energy, trees

 Resources that can be used up faster than they can be replenished naturally.  Examples – coal, oil, natural gas

 The poisoning of our air, water, or soil  Example – mercury poisoning, radiation poisoning, carbon monoxide, pesticides

 Means that the last individual member of a species has died and the species is gone forever.  Has increased drastically.