1.To help the Ss master the important sentence structure and the contents of the text. 2.To help improve the Ss’ listening reading, speaking and.


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1. Have you been to the United States? Which state?
explain : end up doing sth. 终止做某事, 结束做某事, 后面加动名词短语, 相当于 finish doing sth., 表示结束做某事, 事情已完成。 e.g. When we practice speaking English, we often end up speaking.
Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. Period I.
Unit 7.
Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Presentation transcript:

1.To help the Ss master the important sentence structure and the contents of the text. 2.To help improve the Ss’ listening reading, speaking and writing ability. 3.Improve consciousness of innovation by learning this lesson

1. Do you often dream about your future? 2. How do you plan to achieve a successful future?

1. What did Winston Churchill once say about the mind? 3. What is needed to be successful in the future? 2. What will the career options in the future rely on in the 21st century?

1“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind,” Winston Churchill, the British statesman, once said. As we entered the 21st century, it is becoming increasingly clear that he was right. For while the careers of our parents often relied on having a good back, the career options of the future will rely on possessing a good brain. 2 To be successful in the future, we will need to have a greater willingness to think than ever before. We will need to be able to think longer, harder and deeper. Reading Unlocking the future with useful keys

3 Many of the products that we will be buying and selling in the future will not be manufactured in factories; they will be products developed by our minds. They will be packages of data and facts: information products created for specific purposes in the areas of communications, computer technology, scientific research and a wide variety of design applications, to name but a few. 4 There are, I believe, three keys to unlocking a future filled with work that is satisfying and meaningful. The first is the ability to imagine. You must be able to dream about what you want to do and where you want to go. A dream can never become a reality unless the dream exists in the first place. Reading

5 Next, you must understand what it will take to achieve your dreams. You will have to focus on the one or two dreams you desire the most and learn where the careers that include them are heading. Until you know which direction you are going in, how can you decide how to get there 6 And finally, you must plan to do what is necessary to make the vision of your future a reality. This may include studying, adapting and experimenting. You may need to work in one area first, then in another, on your way to your dream career. 7 Whatever your career plans may be, remember that imagining, understanding and planning are the keys that will unlock the door to your future and make tomorrow what you want it to be. Your own personal vision of what is possible will ultimately be the deciding factor in your destiny. Reading

After Reading

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the reading passage. Main Idea We have entered the 21st century and the career _______ of the future rely more and more on possessing a good _____, rather than a good ___________. There are three keys to unlocking a __________ and meaningful future. The first is the ability to ________. That is, we should be able to dream about _____ we want to do in the future. Next is the ability to ___________ what it will take to _____________ our dream. Finally, we should be able to plan to make our future what we want __ to be. These three keys will _____ us to an ideal tomorrow options brain back/body satisfying imaginewhat understand achieve/realize it lead

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. 未来的帝国是头脑的帝国。 Reading 引自英国前首相温斯顿 丘吉尔于 1943 年在美国哈佛大学的 一次演讲。 BACK

For while the careers of our parents often relied on having a good back, the career options of the future will rely on possessing a good brain. 因为, 虽然我们父辈的职业通常取决于有一副好的身板, 未来的职业选择 则取决于是否有聪明的脑袋。 Reading 句中 while 意为 “ 虽然、 尽管 ”, 是一个连接词, 引导一个让步状 语从句。句中 back 意为 “ 背 ( 部 ); 力气 ” 。 例如: While this is true of some, it is not true of all. 这虽然对一些人(或事)是适用的, 但它并不是对所有人(或事) 都适用。 BACK

Reading A dream can never become a reality unless the dream exists in the first place. 如果压根儿没有梦想, 那么梦想是绝对不能成为现实的。 BACK 句中 in the first place 意为 “ 作为根本缘由、 原先 ” 。 例如: It wasn’t my idea to go to that school in the first place. Dad forced me to go there. 进那所学校压根儿不是我的意思, 是爸爸硬要 我去的。

Reading … you must understand what it will take to achieve your dreams. 你必须明白, 实现梦想要做些什么。 BACK 句中 what it will take to achieve your dreams 是一个由连接词 what 引导的名词性 从句, 做 understand 的宾语。 另外, 本文最后一句中 (vision of ) what is possible 也是名词性从句, 作前面介词 of 的 宾语。

Reading You will have to focus on the one or two dreams you desire the most and learn where the careers that include them are heading. 你必须着重考虑你最渴望实现的一两个梦想, 并且应该了解包 含着你梦想的职业的发展前途如何。 BACK 句中 head 为不及物动词, 表示 “ 前进, 出发, 驶 往 ”, 常与 for 搭配。 例如: I am heading for the lab. 我正在去实验室。

Reading Whatever your career plans may be, remember that imagining, understanding and planning are the keys that will unlock the door to your future and make tomorrow what you want it to be. 无论你有什么样的职业计划,请记住想象力、理解力和计划能力 是开启你未来之门的钥匙,它们能使你梦想成真. BACK 句中 whatever 是连接代词,引导一个让步状语从句。 例如: Whatever you may say, I would not change my mind. 无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意。 另外,在 make tomorrow what you want it to be 中, what 引导的名词性从句充当 make tomorrow 的复合宾语。 例如: You can make the child what you want him to be. 你可以按自己的想法培养这孩子。

1. The empires of the future is the empires of the mind. BACK

2. They will rely on having a good brain. BACK

3. To be successful in the future, we will need to have a greater willingness to think than ever before. BACK

4. Three. Imagining, understanding, planning. BACK

5. Because your own personal version of what is possible will ultimately be the deciding factor. BACK

Thank you!