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Presentation transcript:



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 English numbers zero one two three four five six 0 1 2 3 4 zero one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 five six seven eight nine

Say these numbers in English 7892052236 3250418961 2780545247 3365949502 1425979954

car number

post code number

QQ number

phone number 0596-3456098 0592-7788432 010-56789341 0597-5634902

mobile phone number 13729196971 13553517921 13531133783

bank card number

Name cards Name: Sun li Country: China Telephone number: 8256087 This is Sun li. Sun is her family name and li is her given name. She’s from China. And her telephone number is 8256087.

Name: Kobe Bean Bryant Country: America Telephone number: 929-5550 This is Kobe Bean Bryant. Bean Bryant is his family name and Kobe is his given name. He’s from America. And his telephone number is 929-5550.

Revision Family name and Given name In Chinese, the family name is first and the given name is last: Family name + Given name In English, the given name is first and the family name is last: Given name + Family name

Chinese name Yang Liwei Family name Given name English name Bill Gates Family name Given name

Name card Name: Alice Country: England Telephone number: Date of birth: Place of birth: 776-8858 March 20, 1989 New York

Name card Make your own name card. Name: From: Telephone number: Date of birth: Place of birth: Student number:

Look and say What’s your name? My name is Tom. Where are you from? I’m from Happy house.

What’s your mother’s telephone number? It’s 18612697891.

You’re welcome. Thank you very much!

人称代词 单数 复数 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you 第三人称 he she it him her they them

e.g. Her name is Luna. She is Luna. 形容词性物主代词: (可修饰名词, 表物体的所有) 人称代词 my your her his its 我的 你的 她的 他的 它的 人称代词 I you she he it (可修饰名词, 表物体的所有) their 他们的 (不能修饰 名词) they be动词 (is,am,are) am are is is is are e.g. Her name is Luna. She is Luna.

Exercises 用括号中的词的适当形式填空。 _______ is a boy. _____ name is Drew. (he) 2. ____ is a nice girl, _____ name is Jenny. (she) 3. Is _____ English name Alice? (you) He His She her your

4. What is ___ phone number? (he) 5. _____ is my sister. ____ is a teacher. (she) 6. My pencil is nice! _____ color is green. And ____ is new. (it) his She She Its it

7. Jimmy and Tommy ___ (be) students. 8. This is ___ (I) English teacher. 9. They are three _________ (telephone). 10. Is Mrs. Lin _____ (you) mum? are my telephones your

用am, is are填空。 1. What _____ your name? 2. I ______ John Smith. 3. _______ his name, Peter? 4. My name _____ Tom. 5. His family name ____ Green. 6. Her name _____ Kate. 8. It ____ my English book. is am What’s is is is is

【情景交际】 请和你的同伴一起先根据对话情景填入适当的句子, 补全对话, 然后在对话竞赛中表演。 1. A: Is Liang Chaowei from Japan? B: ___________ 2. A: ________________ B: Her name is Sun Li. No, he isn’t. What’s her name?

3. A: Is he Yao Ming? B: ___________ 4. A: Where are they from? B: ___________________ 5. A: ____________________________ B: My telephone number is 765-4321. Yes, he is. They are from China. What’s your telephone number?

1. Make an ID card for your friend. (Whose card is the most beautiful 2. Make an address note for class.