© TNTP 2013 ACE Observer Training Burke For observers new to TNTP and the ACE Instructional Framework
/ 2 Objectives By the end of this session, you will: Accurately match observation evidence to performance areas Practice rating in all ACE Framework performance areas Evaluate your own alignment to the master ratings and flag areas for self- development 1 2 3
/ 3 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning
/ 4 Student Engagement Developing - 3 Pace is slowed slightly by teacher’s distribution of materials at the beginning. All students are working quietly on their first problems. The teacher spends close to 2 minutes at the beginning of the lesson describing the directions, but her CFU’s for directions (behavioral expectations) are rhetorical. As she circulates, we hear her explain the directions again to several groups; some students appear to have sat idle, unsure of what to do, until she explains again. We see little or no blatant off-task or misbehavior during the video.
/ 5 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning
/ 6 Essential Content Developing - 3 Students are asked to solve single-variable equations using either the picture or variable method, which they’ve discussed before. This content aligns mostly closely with M.7.EE.3 – using variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. All activities are clearly aligned to this standard and to one another. All problems are in the exact same format – students are not asked to do any reciprocal thinking, designing of own problems, etc. The rigor of this material is lacking for the grade level and students’ apparent ability.
/ 7 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning
/ 8 Academic Ownership Developing - 3 Lesson is structured so that students are doing all the thinking and modeling; teacher provides resources but students are working in groups. The teacher asks probing questions and guides some students who appear to struggle a bit, but students own the work in small groups for the duration of the lesson. Students are sharing their thinking and work, but they’re not building on one another’s responses – they’re just sharing out. A more appropriately rigorous conversation at this level would have been a more robust comparison/contrast of strategies or more in-depth problem solving. In the first group, the second student to share doesn’t give a complete answer – she solves for (a) but doesn’t take the extra step of using (a) to determine how many sections each boy built. The answer is incomplete and her peers don’t hold her accountable.
/ 9 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning
/ 10 Demonstration of Learning Proficient - 4 All students work problems individually before sharing with a partner, so all students have clear opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the work. Responses in the small groups indicate that almost all students are able to answer these problems correctly, explain their work, and explain why they chose their particular method. The teacher can easily see performance data as she circulates the room by reviewing papers and listening to conversations.
/ 11 Master Ratings Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning