History of Online Education Remote Learning Computer Revolution of the early 80’s Multimedia becomes mainstream Mid 1990’s brings the Internet E-Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

History of Online Education Remote Learning Computer Revolution of the early 80’s Multimedia becomes mainstream Mid 1990’s brings the Internet E-Learning is established in businesses and higher education Software is developed for better online learning

History of Moodle In 1999, Moodle is developed by Martin Dougiamas The philosophy of Moodle is an outcomes oriented learning environment with a focus on learners contributing to the educational experience Moodle stands for Modular Object- Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

Need Teachers need tools to help manage their classrooms Allows another communication channel for teachers and students Uses technology as a medium for education

Research Martin Dougiamas saw a need for an open-source software that used a socially conscious way to educate students. He saw a need for students to become an important part of their education. Online learning is a new medium in education that was rapidly blending into the educational process.

Development Technology is still developing in some areas. Moodle is a server based learning system and must have a host. Educators can have an online only class or a blended learning class. Not having to pay license fees or to limit growth, an institution can add as many Moodle servers as needed. The development of Moodle continues as a free software project supported by a team of programmers and an international user community, drawing upon contributions posted to the online Moodle Community website that encourages debate and invites criticism.

Commercialization Users can freely distribute and modify the software under the terms of the GNU General Public License because this is open source. Distribution of the product is done on the Internet and supported through a community of users.

Moodle Diffusion Curve Early Adopters Early Majority Laggards Late Majority

Innovators: In 1999, early users of Moodle tried out the model looking for an alternative online learning program. This stage included working with the model and making improvements as necessary. Early Adopters: Moodle 1.0 is release in 2002 as Open Source. This allows educators to use the program and manipulate pieces to fit needs. Primarily used for higher education. Early Majority: Moodle is finally taking its place in online education moving from higher education to public education. Moodle becoming more common place in all forms of education. Late Majority: Adoption is still happening but is starting to slow down with members becoming skeptical with online education. Laggards: A small portion of educators that fail to embrace technology as a means to educate individuals. Moodle Diffusion Curve
