How To Get The Main Idea? 如何做主旨大意题 ? 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学.


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How To Get The Main Idea? 如何做主旨大意题?.
Presentation transcript:

How To Get The Main Idea? 如何做主旨大意题 ? 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学

如何做主旨大意题 做此类题目时,首先要搞清是问某一段还 是全文的大意,可利用文中主要信息来把握文脉, 进行综合归纳,概括文章的主题。如有标题,标 题中的蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。另外,任何 一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多 文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中 心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它,便 容易抓住文章的中心。

第三 : 要学会借助文章的结构来把握中 心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句 ( Topic sentence) 来表达。主题句常常 出现在段首 (60%--90%) 或段尾处, 有时 也在段落中间。同样, 一篇文章的中心 思想也常常在开始段或结尾段点出。因 此, 在阅读中, 我们要对文章的开始段和 结尾段及段落的主题句给予特别的注意。

How to get the main idea of a paragraph?

1 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness), cancer, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For example, it can give one a “smoker’s cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it? Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health.

2 Often no one looks more guilty than t he innocent. On the other hand, nobody may look more innocent than a professi- -onal criminal. And the man who knows “everything” may really only be trying to hide his own weakness. So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearance So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearance

3 If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only $ 79. Two days sale. Hu- -rry.” However, when you go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much better set which is “just right for you” It costs $ 395. This sales trick is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale. The paragraph could be entitled _________. A. Buyer Beware B. Closeout( 出清存货 ) Sale C. Crime Pays D. Buying a TV Set This sales trick is called “bait and switch”.

4 Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida. The main idea of this paragraph is that ______. A. Tom, who had studied at Paris Universities for four years, moved to another university. B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from Harvard Law School and later from Boston College. C. Tom was an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university. D. Tom received an excellent education. detail

Types Of Paragraph Structures typeThe position of the topic At the beginning At the end In the middle No clear topic sentence

Passage B(NMET2003) Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills( 读写能力 ). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence ( 自信心 ), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the children’s department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager. Example and success of the program

Passage B(NMET2003) Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills( 读写能力 ). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence ( 自信心 ), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the children’s department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager. Example and success of the program 59. What is mainly discussed in the text? A. Children’s reading difficulties. B. Advantages of raising dogs. C. Service in a public library. D. A special reading program.

details Paragraph ideas Passage idea