DQM for the RPC subdetector M. Maggi and P. Paolucci
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 2 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Outlook RPC DQM requirements event Data DQM – what we have done and learned during the MTCC we need more “sophisticated” DQM tools to access online database (non event data) guidelines and open issues DQM group composition conclusions
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 3 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci RPC DQM requirements DQM has to monitor the RPC detector/trigger behavior and measure and summarize their performances: Fast online DQM few histo/plot/result and summary results for central DQM shifter “quasi” online DQM producing more and more info for RPC shifter and expert offline DQM full analysis for expert
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 4 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci RPC DQM requirements We need two different kind of DQM analysis data: 1.Fast and “low” statistics analysis: BXN # of digi Occupancy Cluster multiplicity Cluster size ………………. 2.Slower and high statistics analysis: Chamber efficiency Strip efficiency Efficiency Map or chamber radiography (10 cm 2 ) Calibration (eff.v.s HV) DCS – DQM – XDAQ Correlation
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 5 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci DQM Modes of Operation I Online in Filter Farm Input rate: up to 100 kHz Event Building: Yes CPU: 10-0% of HLT CPU Bw: 5-0% of total bw (1 GB/s) Delay: 0 Online in Event Consumer Input rate: 1-10 Hz aggregate Event Building: Yes CPU: subsystem CPUs Bw: consistent with experiment network Delay: seconds EXP. NETWORK MUST USE CMSSW MUST USE RC LIMITED ACCESS TO DB DCS: NO DAQmon: NO EXP. OR CAMPUS NETWORK MUST USE CMSSW CAN USE RC FREE ACCESS TO DB (EXP) DCS: via PSX or DB DAQmon: via DB
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 6 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci DQM Modes of Operation II Quasi-online processing local file from SM Input rate: O(10) Hz aggregate Event Building: Yes CPU: subsystem CPUs Bw: consistent with experiment network Delay: minutes Offline processing Input rate: virtually all data stored (O(100Hz)) Event Building: Yes CPU: batch farm Bw: consistent with campus network Delay: ~ 1 hour EXP. OR CAMPUS NETWORK MUST USE CMSSW CAN USE RC FREE ACCESS TO DB (EXP) DCS: via DB DAQmon: via DB GRID MUST USE CMSSW CANNOT USE RC ACCESS TO OFFLINE DB ONLY DCS: indirectly via condDB DAQmon: NO
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 7 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci What DQM do we need ? I Online monitoring in Filter Farm: Rate of 100 KHz is perfect for high statistics analysis (calibration - efficiency) pre-scaled subset of LV1 muon events (rate ?) Can we effort a delay of 0 sec ? Can we run high statistics analysis on CMS CPUs ? No use of DCS and limited access to CondDB Online monitoring in event consumer: Rate of 10 Hz is not enough for high statistics analysis Full use of DCS and XDAQ data via DB RPC CPUs (to design) delay of seconds is OK for our goal
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 8 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci What DQM do we need ? II Quasi-online DQM: Rate of 10 Hz is not enough for high statistics analysis LV1 muon events DCS and XDAQ access via CondDB (free access) RPC CPUs delay of minutes is OK Offline monitoring: for RPC experts to have a full analysis including reco tools and muon track or physics object (J/psi, Z…) Using full events and reconstruction tools free access to the DBs CMS CPus delay of hours is OK
DQM workshop - 28 feb 07 9 M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Can we do high statistics analysis ? To achieve high statistics analysis (efficiency and calibration) we need: high rate of muon LV1A trigger (DT-CSC and/or RPC) CPUs and delay of minutes ≈ 1K (chamber) K (strip) + 1 M (area) bins (non so much compared with CMS). At 1KHz 3.6 Mtrack/hour 21 Mhit/hour. 1 min for Effchamb – 1 hour for Effstrip – 100 hours for Effarea Full use of DCS and DBs ?? Ask for a special RPC calibration stream (size ?) including: RPC data + some DT and CSC data Store RPC stream on disk and use them for online and offline DQM (disk space ??)
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Event Data monitoring STATUS I DQM-analysis packages developed for RPC in CMSSW and test during the MTCC: EventFilter/RPCRawToDigi (Segoni - Maggi): It drives the raw data unpacking and produces the RPCDigi collection committed to the event. DQM/RPCMonitorModule (Segoni – Maggi): it carries out data integrity check and basic detector functioning tasks POOL Source Raw Data Digi Unpacker DAQ Clusters/RecHits Local Muon Reconstruction RPCMonitorDigi RPCMonitorModule Event
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Event Data monitoring STATUS II DQM/RPCMonitorDigi: Uses the digi produced by the unpacker (i.e. for each h-partition the collection strip with signal and the BX ) to perform chamber performance checks: BXN # of digi Occupancy Cluster multiplicity Cluster size Sync: Specific trigger studies Chamber efficiency is produced by extrapolating DT segments to the RPC mounted on the same DT chamber and looking for matching hits
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Guidelines answers YES, we need history/trendig plots (efficiency, occupancy, cluster size…) YES, we need correlation trends YES, we need tools to extract complex info from condition DB and repository YES, we are using IGUANA to present DQM results MORE, we have to work on how make histo/result persistent MORE, we developed a first prototype of a synoptic view YES, we have a clear hierarchical view of the plots NO, automatic analysis procedures, for the moment YES, we can converge on a run quality flags but we have to work on
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci RPC synoptic view We have to work on The synoptic view of RPC system with interactive features, alarm, warning and error Similar to the DCS one and to the other CMS subsystems
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Do we need.. More.. Tools ? YES For RPC it is CRUCIAL to correlate event data DQM info with PVSS and XDAQ non event data: Chamber efficiency.vs. Noise (XDAQ) Chamber efficiency.vs. Current (PVSS) Noise (XDAQ).vs. Temperature (PVSS) Cluster size.vs Temperature (PVSS) ………………………………………….. To let understand the behavior of the RPC system we need: few summary plots for the DQM shifter (online) more plots for RPC shifter (quasi-online) a complete way to analyze data for the RPC expert (offline)
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Do we need.. More.. Tools ? YES For MTCC data we developed the following tool CAT For data tacking we want to integrate it in the DQM but we need to take some decisions: 1.How access online at the Condition DB: direct access to the DB or to a replication of the DB ?? 2.Which and how many plots we want to store permanently ?? 3.Do we need reference plots also for correlated data ?? 4.Can we show/store in the DQM full DCS and XDAQ histograms/results too ?? Analysis tools Online DBRoot files DB query histograms DB replication
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Histos example …. for MTCC RMS distribution of the 23 chambers for a 4 days period with magnet ON and stable conditions Having 480 chambers only in the barrel it was very useful to have summary plot from DCS (retrieving data from cond. db). We need to think about more summary plots from DQM–DCS–XDAQ RMS = 0.5 A Chamber to check using more info from DCS-DQM-XDAQ for RPC expert
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci A way to use in a safe way condDB HLT-CMSSW applicationReconstruction-CMSSW application read/write objects read/write Transformation (O2O) DCS/DQM Application DQM/Offline Application
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci RPC DQM group composition The group works in the DPG under the supervision of M. Maggi and myself and in contact with Muon DPG people. detector DQM: Bari –4 people sharing with Offline/DQM Napoli –5 people sharing with DCS Pavia –2 people sharing with Reco & Ev Displ. trigger DQM: Warsaw group sharing with trigger activities We need people from the endcap groups
DQM workshop - 28 feb M. Maggi and P. Paolucci Conclusions The RPC-specific components of the DQM structure in CMSSW are under development to test on MTCC data with proper Global DAQ format. The development now must focus now on: Quantify high statistics analysis (RPC stream or FF analysis or both ?) Study the way to Interface DQM with DCS-XDAQ and with CondDB Select a few number of “smart” summary histo/plot/tables Study how produce RPC system flag Develop: detector visualization and web interface, quality test producing warning, error and alarm with a tree-like structure