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Notes in preparation by the Torino group Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007  MTCC note:  calibration section  DQM section  Internal note about.

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1 Notes in preparation by the Torino group Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007  MTCC note:  calibration section  DQM section  Internal note about the calibration procedures  Little contribution to the v drift -note (with the t trig calibration)

2 MTCC note: Calibration section 1. Measurement of the DT calibration constants 1.1 Calibration algorithms algos briefly description (reference to internal note) 1.2 Calibration results at MTCC caveat about particular conditions of cosmic muons (random arrival time distributions, track pattern not pointing, impact angle) 1.2.1 Dependence on the trigger source Up to now exclusive trigger definition (DTonly, RPConly, CSConly) results with inclusive definition are incoming when we will see the results we will decide… Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007 2

3 1.2.2 Dependence from the magnetic field 1.3 Conclusions Calibration done in a complex environment (5% of DT chambers, not bunched muons)  observed effects have been understood  calibration good enough for an efficient segment reconstruction Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007 3

4 Internal note about calibration Offline Calibration procedure of the Drift Tubes detector complete and detailed description of the calibration algorithms released in CMSSW (not yet results/performances, only the techniques description) 1. Introduction 2. Calibration of the Time Pedestals 2.1 Determination of the ttrig  description of the t trig = t mean – k ×   effects of the miscalibration on the two reconstruction algorithms  time box fit  k factor determination  constant v drift  GARFIELD parametrization Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007 4

5 3.2 Estimate of the Cell Resolution 4. Interplay of Meantimer Computation and Time pedestals determination v drift an t trig dependence (which makes the calibration so hard!) mention of an alternative approach (actually under study) important because the segment reconstruction relies on chi2 selection 5. Conclusions 3. Calibration of the drift velocity 3.1 Meantimer technique different formulas for each track pattern Appendix with a list of all the formulas implemented for each geometrical configuration of the hit cells Some words on the usage of this algorithms on test beam data, simulated data (P-TDR) and cosmic data (MTCC) Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007 5

6 MTCC note: DQM section … still in preparation … S.B. and Masetti with supervision of (Cerminara and Zanetti) 1. DT Data Quality Monitoring main goals of the DQM 1.1 Package structure and available plots list of the variables monitored with plot of one IGUANA screen with time boxes and occupancies 1.1 Usage of the package  local procedure for the local DT run  on-line procedure for the global run (phase 2) when DQM successfully merged in the whole DAQ system  DQM usefulness during data taking (plot to monitor the correct pointing trigger confiuration) Sara BolognesiDT Cosmic Meeting 01/11/2007 6

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