 Born in Fairfield,Connecticut ( 美 国的康涅狄格州)  Had an unhappy childhood  When she was 15,her mother left the family to become an actress  Meg would.


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Presentation transcript:

 Born in Fairfield,Connecticut ( 美 国的康涅狄格州)  Had an unhappy childhood  When she was 15,her mother left the family to become an actress  Meg would become the actress

 When she finished 2nd year in college,Ryan earned a supporting role in Rich and Famous  20 years old :dropped out of school,turned to TV for acting job  Stayed on and make a bid for becoming a movie star

In 1989,Ryan’s winsome ways were showed in her very first leading role,in When Harry Met Sally…The film was very successful and it had showed her main characterization:the slightly foolish,occasionally crazy,and always lovely romantic girl.

In 1993,Ryan reigned again in Sleepless in Seattle.Though she acted many supporting and leading roles in films,audience have come to like Ryan in romantic comedies.And we can also see her wonderful actions in her Inner space,Proof of Life,French Kiss and so on.

 《 女人们 / 女人我最大 The Women 》 (2008)...Mary Haines 女人们  《终极刺客 Desert Saints 》 (2002)...producer终极刺客  《电子情书 You've Got Mail 》 (1998)...Kathleen Kelly aka Shopgirl电子情书  《天使之城 City of Angels 》 (1998)...Maggie Rice天使之城  《生命的证据 / 一线生机 Proof of Life 》 (2000)...Alice Bowman  《法兰西之吻 French Kiss 》 (1995)...Kate  《西雅图夜未眠 / 缘分的天空 Sleepless in Seattle 》 (1993)...Annie Reed西雅图夜未眠 缘分的天空  《壮志凌云 / 捍卫战士 Top Gun 》 (1986)...Carole Bradshaw

 The mortal world needs the background, is also required bright stars of the embellishment. People who may be the ability of individuals is also limited, but they extraordinary charisma on the impact of humanity as a whole is infinite. They embody the intelligence of mankind, the brilliant flashes of humanity, concentrated essence of humanity. Meg Ryan is one of your breath in the spotlight of one person!  这个世界需要芸芸众生的衬托,也需要璀璨之星的点缀。也 许名人们个人的能力也是有限的,但他们超凡的人格魅力对 整个人类的影响却是无穷的。他们凝聚着人类的智慧,闪烁 着人性的光辉,浓缩着人类的精华。梅格瑞恩正是其中凝神 于聚光灯下的一人!