WHAT ARE BASE 10 BLOCKS? Base 10 blocks are a way to represent numbers with blocks. Remember, there are different size blocks that can represent numbers. You can use a unit, a long, or a flat. SINGLE LONGFLAT
WHAT DO THE BLOCKS REPRESENT? Base 10 blocks show us how many units are included in each block. -A cube represents 1 unit. -A long is equal to 10 units. -A flat is equal to 100 units.
HOW CAN WE USE BASE 10 BLOCKS? We can use Base 10 Blocks in adding and subtracting numbers. Using Base 10 Blocks can make addition and subtraction much easier to understand. Let’s look at some problems.
SAMPLE ADDITION PROBLEM We can use Base 10 Blocks for Addition: _____ 155
SAMPLE SUBTRACTION PROBLEM We can also use Base 10 Blocks for subtraction: _____ 12
TRADING BASE 10 BLOCKS Remember that when we have too many units, we have to trade them for a long. =
OVERVIEW Now that we have learned what Base 10 Blocks are, we can take the quiz. If you need more help with Base 10 Blocks, here are some helpful sites that you may find interesting: - Learning Base 10 Blocks- Learn how to trade Base 10 blocks for numbers. Learning Base 10 Blocks -Counting Base 10 Blocks-Group the blocks together to make longs or flats.Counting Base 10 Blocks -Base 10 Block Practice-Click on the link to get practice using Base 10 Blocks.Base 10 Block Practice