07/24/07 Francisco Carrion OPTIMIZING THE TRACK DETECTOR Francisco Javier Carrión Ruiz Mentor: Hans Wenzel 07/08/09 SID CONCEPT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL LINEAR.


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Presentation transcript:

07/24/07 Francisco Carrion OPTIMIZING THE TRACK DETECTOR Francisco Javier Carrión Ruiz Mentor: Hans Wenzel 07/08/09 SID CONCEPT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL LINEAR COLLIDER

Outline  The ILC Project  SiD detector (one detector concept (of 4) for the ILC) ‏  Look at the environment at the ILC What are the consequences for the track detector  Tracker Needs to be optimized  Conclusion

International Linear Collider  The objective is to do precision measurements of: Higgs boson properties Gauge boson scattering Effects resulting from the existence of extra dimensions Supersymmetric particles Top quark properties

International Linear Colider

Consequences of Highly Focused and Very Intense Beam  Beamstrahlung as the beams are focused, similar to synchrotron radiation  Beam-beam interaction produces a large number of low energy photons (~MeV) and electron-positron pairs

SiD detector concept

SiD detector  5 tracker barrels  5 tracker end caps  5 vertex barrels  4 vertex end caps Not optimized yet

Monte Carlo Simulation  Event generation Physics event Pythia; electron-positron annihilate into a virtual Z boson, which decays into two jets. Beam-Beam events; GUINEA PIG  Detector simulation with GEANT4 based SLIC  Analysis with Java and Netbeans

Signal Event Z-X Orientation Energy: 90 GeV

Signal Event X-Y Orientation

Tracker End Cap Hit Distribution Position (mm)‏ 1000 events Z = 27.1 cm

Occupancy in % for 1 mm at inner radius # of events % Radial Segmentation Z = 27.1 cm

Beam-Beam interactions  The beams interact before getting to the collision point  3 main processes: Breit-Wheeler Bethe-Heitler Landau-Lifshiftz  Simulated with GUINEA-PIG (Generator of Unwanted Interactions for Numerical Experiment Analysis—Program Interfaced to GEANT) ‏

Beam-Beam interaction Full simulation with SLIC ~ 100,000 e + e - 

Beam-Beam interaction Full simulation with SLIC

Hit Distribution Position (mm)‏ Z = 27.1 cm

Radial Density 0.03 Hits/mm 2 Radius (mm)‏ Z = 62.1 cm

One Proposal

Fast Simulation  Previously was done with full simulation, which is very CPU intensive  Many things can be learned from fast simulation.  In the following are some results from the output of the GUINEA PIG generator (position and momentum vectors of particles) ‏

P t vs P z P t (GeV)‏ P z (GeV)‏ P t = P z 0.42

Fast Simulation Z (m)‏ R (m)‏

Fast Simulation  Two type of detector Barrel type with 2 parameters; radius and length Disk type with 3 parameters; Z position, inner radius and outer radius  Get the particle flux through the detector  Will give us quick analysis

Fast Simulation Z (cm)‏ R (cm)‏

Conclusions  Learned about the environment at the ILC interaction region  Criterion to decide the detector's placement, granularity/segmentation of readout, etc  Input for further detailed studies

Thanks  To Jean, Roger, Eric, Harry, Carol and everyone involved in the program for the experience  To my mentor for all his help and guidance  To all you for your friendship and the time we spent together  Above all to God for giving me this opportunity