NCHRP Synthesis 350 Crash Records Systems Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop March 27-28, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

NCHRP Synthesis 350 Crash Records Systems Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop March 27-28, 2006

1. Who administers and maintains? 1. How is data quality ensured? 2. How integrated / linked to other sources? 1. How accessible is information to users? 1. What barriers exist? Synthesis Objectives

Reduced staff and resources Increased crash thresholds Data entry backlogs More use of GIS but fewer roadway elements  Missing core elements (i.e. # of lanes, lane/shoulder widths, median type/width)  Horizontal curve, vertical grade, intersection/ interchange features virtually nonexistent Completeness / Quality Eroding

Responding States 50% response rate

Survey Summary Crashes more timely and complete  over 80% within 90 days  almost 85% have all reportable crashes Average system development cost just over $850,000 Most popular features of current crash systems:  Analysis and Reporting (majority of votes)  Linkage  Data Collection

Survey Summary Most frequently desired improvements are: (1) linkage (2) collection (3) access

Institutional Barriers Poor communication of changes (e.g., new roadways not identified in crash system) Lack of access to other data systems (e.g., files reside in different agencies) Inadequate training & feedback Duplicate data collection Changes in forms & procedures (without adequate communication and review) No consistent method of identifying locations

Successful Crash Records Systems “ Where you stand on an issue depends on where you sit” Good Practices

Successful Systems Components collection processing & management linkages for reporting & analysis

1. Have technologies needed to ensure Accurate data Uniform data entry Easy completion of the report 2. Seamless transfer of the crash data to: the supervisor the local crash records system (if desired) the statewide crash records system Successful Crash Data Collection

1) Accepts electronically transmitted data 2) Provides document imaging & management 3) Includes linkages or integration with other data sources Successful Processing & Management

Ultimately, to be worth the effort and expense of its creation and maintenance, a crash records system must support analyses for highway and traffic safety. Establish a Knowledge Base for Traffic Records Systems Successful Crash Reporting / Analysis

Overcome Institutional Barriers Sell the value of safety information systems Coordinate collection, management, and use Integrate planning of safety programs and IS Obtain resources to select appropriate technology Use cadre of analytically trained professionals Promote technical standards for IS characteristics

Characteristics of Successful Systems -- Not Just Hardware & Software -- TRCC Strategic Plan for TR Improvements Budget for system lifecycle Data-for-data partnerships / Sharing with others Knowledge Base for TR systems Simplified data collection

Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop Crash Records Systems