square n. 平方 meter n. 米 deep adj. 深的 desert n. 沙漠 population n. 人口 Asia n. 亚洲.


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Presentation transcript:

square n. 平方 meter n. 米

deep adj. 深的 desert n. 沙漠 population n. 人口 Asia n. 亚洲

tour v. n. 旅行 tourist n. 旅行者 wall n. 墙 amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的

ancient adj. 古代的 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔和

Do you know these interest places? Qomolangma Qomolangma runs along the border between China and Nepal. It is covered with snow all the year round. It’s high, the highest in the world. It’s 26 kilometers long. zxxk

The Nile is the longest river in the world. It’s more than 6600 kilometers long. It runs through 9 countries, it’s one of the largest river flows through the international states in the world and runs into the Mediterranean Sea( 地中海 ) in the end. The Nile

The Caspian Sea The Caspian Sea is the biggest lake in the world. It lies in the border between Asia and Europe.

The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. It is located in the northern Africa, climate conditions are very bad, is one of the earth's most not suitable for biological survival. The Sahara

The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world, the first Asian rivers. It’s kilometers long. The Yangtze River Basin, east- west width of 3219 kilometers, about 966 kilometers wide north-south, passing through 11 provinces. It runs into the East Sea in Shanghai finally. The Yangtze River

Which is the highest mountain in the world? Which is the longest river in Asia?... …

1a Match the facts you know. Qomolangmaabout 9,600,000 square kilometers in size The Sahara1,025 meters deep The Caspian Sea 6,671 kilometers long The Nile8, meters high

Practice in pairs like this: A: Which is the … in the …? B: … z 。 xxk

…8,844 meters high. …8,844 米高 … meters high (long, wide…) …… 米高(长,宽 ……) 。 英语表示 “ 有多长(宽,高 …… ) ” 时,一 般将数词和数量单位放在表示长宽高的形 容词前作状语。 e.g. The wall is 1.7 metres wide.

A: How high is Qomolangma? B: It’s 8,844 meters high. The biggest desert in the world is about 8,000,000 square kilometers in size. How big is the Sahara? It’s about 8,000,000 square kilometers in size.

1b Listen and complete the sentences. 1. Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain in the world. 2. The Sahara is ____________ desert in the world. 3. The Caspian Sea is ____________ of all the salt lakes. 4. The Nile is _________ river in the world. higher the biggest the deepest the longest

2a Listen and number the facts(1- 4) in the order you hear them. 6,300 5,000 5, ___ The Yangtze River is about ____ kilometers long and the Yellow River is ___ kilometers long. ___ China has the biggest population in the world. It’s a lot bigger than the population of the US. ___ China is over ___ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even ___ years old. ___ China is almost as big as the US, but it is the biggest country in Asia

2b Listen again and fill in the blanks in 2a with the numbers in the box. 6,300 5,000 5, ___ The Yangtze River is about _______ kilometers long and the Yellow River is ______ kilometers long. ___ China has the biggest population in the world. It’s a lot bigger than the population of the US. 6,300 5,464

___ China is over ______ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even ___ years old. ___ China is almost as big as the US, but it is the biggest country in Asia. 5,

2c Make conversations using the information in 2a. A: Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? B: Yes, I did. it’s much older than my country.

A: Did you know that Yangtze River is the longest river in China? B: Yes, I did. It’s 6,300 meters long. B: Wow! That’s long!

中国的长城共有近一万公里,东起河北秦皇岛 的山海关,西到嘉峪关,这是明代修筑长城的两个 最大关口,北京境内的长城有 600 余公里,比较著 名的有八达岭长城、金山岭长城、司马台长城、慕 田峪长城、居庸关长城和箭扣长城等。 The Great Wall

2d Read the conversation and answer the questions: 1. Which is the biggest man-made objects in the world ? 2. Which is the most famous part of the Ming Great Wall? The Great Wall. Badaling part of the wall.

1. Fell free to ask me anything on today’s Great Wall tour. 在今天的长城游中,大家尽管问我任何 问题,不要拘束。 fell free 是英语口语中一个常用表达。若 有人让你 feel free to do something ,就 是让你无需拘束,只管按照自己的意愿 去做某事。

e.g. A: Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的卫生间吗? B: Yes, feel free. 可以,请随意。

as far as I know 是一个固定的表达方 式,还可以说 so far as I know ,意思 是 “ 据我所知 ” 。 2. As far as I know, there are no man- made objects as big as this. 据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造 物体了。

e.g. As far as I know, Jack’s got twin sisters. 就我所知,杰克有一对孪生姐妹。 They’re not coming today, so far as I know. 他们今天不来了 – 就我所知是这样的。

feel free the most popular question talk about the Ming Dynasty the ancient emperors the main reason as far as I know the Ming Great Wall

How long is the wall? It’s about 8,850 kilometers long. This makes it the longest wall in the world. It’s the most famous part.

A: To memorize the important phrases and sentences. B: To make some dialogues about asking the size of objects.