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THE CHANGJIANG RIVER 多媒体教学演示课 陶莉莉. I am the Changjiang, I am the longest river in China and the third longest in the world. I rise far, far away. I flow.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CHANGJIANG RIVER 多媒体教学演示课 陶莉莉. I am the Changjiang, I am the longest river in China and the third longest in the world. I rise far, far away. I flow."— Presentation transcript:


2 I am the Changjiang, I am the longest river in China and the third longest in the world. I rise far, far away. I flow down from among the mountains in the west of China.I am small at first, but many other rivers join me on the way. I rush on and on, I grow larger and larger.I flow past villages, towns and cities, till I join the East China Sea. I am a useful river, I water the fields and I give life to animals and plants.I carry ships from place to place. Even very big ships can go along me hundreds of kilometres from the sea. But I am not always gentle. When there is too much rain, my water rises higher and higher.It flows over my banks, and places around are under water Now people have done much to make better use of me. They are trying to make me even more useful in the future.

3 THE CHANGJIANG RIVER I am the changjiang, I am the longest river in China and the third longest in the world. Questions: 1.Which river is the longest in China? 2.Is it the longest in the world?

4 I rise far, far away. I flow down from among the mountains in the west of China.I am small at first.but many other rivers join me on the way.I rush on and on, I grow larger and larger.I flow past villages, towns and cities.till I join the east China sea. Questions: 3.Where does the Changjiang River begin? 4.It grows larger and larger on its way to the sea,doesn ’ t it? 5. What sea does it join?

5 I am a useful river, I water the fields and I give life to animals and plants.I carry ships from place to place. Even very big ships can go along me hundreds of kilometres from the sea. Questions: 6.Is the Changjiang a useful river? 7.How long can the very big ships go along it from the sea?

6 But I am not always gentle. When there is too much rain,my water rises higher and higher.It flows over my banks, and places around are under water. Now people have done much to make better use of me. They are trying to make me even more useful in the future. QUESTIONS 8.It ’ s always gentle, isn ’ t it? 9.What will happen if there is too much rain ?

7 1.The longest river in China the third longest in the world 序数词修饰形容词最高级

8 .练习:上海是中国最大的城市。 ( 东方明珠 ) Shanghai is the largest city in China.

9 美国是世界上第四大国。 ( 自由女神像 ) America is the fourth largest country in the world.

10 黄河是中国第二长河。 ( 黄河流域图 ) The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

11 2 、 I rise far, far away. 为了加强语气,被重复使用的同一形 容词或副词之间应由逗号分开。 E.g.: Long, long ago, there was a lion. ( 狮 )

12 3 、 I flow down from among the mountains…… 从群山间流下 ( 雪山 )

13 4 、 I rush on and on. 奔腾不息 ( 水 流 ) on and on 继续不停 练习:雨不停的下。 The rain is falling on and on. 她们不停的跳舞。 They danced on and on.

14 5 、 I grow larger and larger. larger and larger 形容词或副词的比较级重复使用, 并用 and 连接起来,表示程度的增加, 意思是 “ 越来越 ……”

15 练习:天气越来越热。 It’s getting hotter and hotter. 我们的学校越来越美丽。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.

16 6 、 I water the fields. 灌溉大地 (三 峡) I give life to animals and plants. 给 …… 带来生命 (动植物图片)

17 7 、 I carry ships from place to place. 我把船只从一地带到另一地.( 三峡 ) from place to place 从一地到另一地 平行结构,属习惯用法,名词前不加 冠词。

18 From door to door 挨家挨户 练习:他挨家挨户乞讨。 He begs from door to door. From time to time 不时 汤姆和杰克上课时不时地讲话。 Tom and Jack talk in class from time to time.

19 8 、 Now people have done much to make better use of me. make better use of 更好的利用 练习:你必须学会好好利用时间。 You must learn to make better use of your time.

20 我们将更好的利用河流和湖泊。 We will make better use of the rivers and lakes.

21 练习:根据课文判断正误。 1 ) The Changjiang River is the longest river in the world. 2 ) The Changjiang River is the third longest river in China. 3 ) The Changjiang River flows down from among the mountains in the west of China. 4 ) The Changjiang River grows larger and larger on the way to the sea. 5 ) The Changjiang River is very gentle. 6 ) Now people have done much to make better use of the Changjiang River.

22 练习:根据课文内容填空。 The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. It is one of the longest ______ in the world. On the way, many other small rivers join it and it _____bigger and bigger. The Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge is nearly 21 kilometres ______ and 32 metres ______. We will_____ more ______ over the Changjiang. The River is very ______. It can water the _______ and give ______ to animals and plants. It helps to _____ things from place to place. Even very big ships can go ______ it thousands of miles from the sea. Sometimes it is not so _____ .T he water flows ______ the banks. But now people have _____much to make _____ use of it.

23 用第一人称进行口头作文 (黄河流域图) 以三峡图片结束

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