Book3, unit2 : Healthy eating May “Reading imitation”


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Presentation transcript:

Book3, unit2 : Healthy eating May “Reading imitation”

Task1:Name the foods in English. peachnut 1. 2.

3. mushroom4. pepper

5. coca cola6. cucumber

7.lemon 8.eggplant

9.spaghetti 10. watermelon

Task 2: Watch a video, listen carefully and review the two rules of speaking English. (A) Stress 重读 (B) Sound liking 连读

(A) Stress 实词重读,虚词不重读。 a ) 名词、形容词、动词、副词、代词和数词是实词。 b ) 冠词、介词、连词和助动词是虚词。 E.g: (1) Tonight is a party night. (2) Nothing is as refreshing as iced drinks on a hot day. (3) Two bottles of Cola should cover everyone. `Tonight is a `party `night. `Two `bottles of `Cola should `cover `everyone. `Nothing is as `refreshing as `iced `drinks on a `hot `day.

(B )Sound linking a ) “ 辅音 + 元音 ” 型连读:在同一个意群里,如果前一单 词以辅音结尾,后一单词以元音开头,可连读。 E.g: (1) Tonight is a party night. (2) Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice. (3) I don’t think we need too much in the way of soft drinks. Tonight~ is~ a party night. Make sure there~ are some soft drinks~ and juice. I don’t think we need too much~ in the way of soft drinks.

E.g: (4) What about wine? (5) Have you bought ice yet? (6) I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. (B )Sound linking a ) “ 辅音 + 元音 ” 型连读:在同一个意群里,如果前一 单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以元音开头,可连读。 What ~about wine? Have~ you bought~ ice yet? I think~ a bottle of champagne would be a good~ idea.

(B )Sound linking b ) “ 辅音 + 半元音 ” 型连读: /ju:/ 是半元音,如果前一 单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以 /ju:/ 开头,要连读。 例如: (1) Thank you. (2) Nice to meet you. (3) Could you help me, please? Thank ~you. Nice to meet ~you. Could ~you help me, please?

(B )Sound linking b ) “ 辅音 + 半元音 ” 型连读: /ju:/ 是半元音, 如果前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以 /ju:/ 开头,要连读。例如: (4) Have you bought ice yet? (5) If you say so. Have~ you bought ice yet? If ~you say so.

A: `Tonight~ is~ a `party `night. What `drinks do you `think we `need? B: Well, not `everyone `wants to `drink `beer. A: `Make `sure there~ are some `soft `drinks~ and `juice. B: `Nothing is as `refreshing as `iced `drinks on~ a `hot `day. A: I `don’t `think we `need too `much~ in the `way of `soft `drinks. `Two `super `bottles of `Cola should `cover `everyone. What~ about `wine?

B: Just `buy a `cask of `wine. Have~ `you `bought~ ice yet? A: No, once~ I `fill the `tub with `beer, I will `get the `ice. The `cooler, the `better. B: I `think~ a `bottle of `champagne would be a `good~ idea. It’s `appetizing and `tasty. A: If~ you `say so. `Personally speaking, I’d rather `die of `thirst than `drink `champagne.


A: John, `come ~and `get ~it. `Breakfast ~is ready. B: I’m still `getting `ready for `school. I can’t `find my `school `bag. A: I `told you to `pack~ it `last `night. `What did you `do with it? B: I `did. But I `used `something in the `bag later. A: Anyway, `hurry up. Here~ is your `carrot `juice. B: Can~ I `have `apple `juice, Mum?

A: `Don’t be so `fussy about `stuff. B: Oh, Mum….. A: Do you `want your `fried `egg `sunny-side up? B: Yes. But~ I `prefer `oatmeal first. I’ll `make~ it `myself. A: `Good. I’ll `butter your `toast then. B: I `wish I could `have `breakfast `steak today. A: I’ll `make~ it for you `tomorrow. B: Thanks.