Unit 3 Travel journal ---Journey down the Mekong 平山实验中学 杨晓红.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Travel journal ---Journey down the Mekong 平山实验中学 杨晓红

说课内容 说教材 说教学目标 说学生 说教法 说教学步骤 说板书设计

Teaching materials ( 教材) This unit is to introduce the traveling to us. The reading passage is the center of this unit. It is the most important teaching material in this lesson, which contains most of the vocabularies and grammar points that students should learn.

Learning Targets 1. Knowledge target (知识目标) : Master eight words and ten phrases. 2. Ability target (能力目标) : Learn to find details from the passage. 3. Emotion target (情感目标) : Success belongs to the perserving( 坚持不 懈的)。

Students Although the students have the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, they still need more opportunities to practice what they have learned and to develop their autonomous and cooperative learning ability.

Teaching methods Generally speaking, I adopt task-based language teaching and communicative approach in my class. As for learning, students will master the knowledge through independent reading, discussing and cooperating. As for this class, multi- media teaching is adopted, which can increase the teaching pace and arouse students’ interest.

Lead-in (5mins)

单车带我去西藏 从来没想过 单车能跑多远 曾以为她 只属于城市的中央 喧哗的城市 灰色的天空 我不甘心就这样 平淡无常 从来没想过 单车带我去西藏 头顶的蓝天 身边的群羊 洁白的雪山 辽阔的原野 我知道 这是梦中的天堂

是那单车带我去西藏 让我追寻我的梦想 一路上雄鹰展翅飞翔 是那单车带我去西藏 带我去到那远方 让我见到 迷人的景象 一辈子 有太多的故事 那件事 最让你难忘 单车带我去西藏 ~

薛慧哲 ———— 这是平山的女孩, 平山县南甸镇寒虎河村人氏

This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries in southeast Asia. The Mekong River

the longest river in Southeast Asia the Mekong River 澜沧江 - 湄公河是东亚最重要的一条国际河流,在中国境内称澜沧江, 境外称湄公河,流经中国、缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南等六个 国家,从越南胡志明市附近注入南中国海,全长 4880 公里,总流域 面积 81 万平方公里。流域沿途有着不同异国风情,风光迷人,美不胜 收。

the Lancang River – 澜沧江 In China it is called

Out of China, it is called the Mekong River

Fast Reading (5mins) Read quickly for the main idea of each paragraph.

Read and find the main idea of each paragraph: A.Preparation B.Dream C.A stubborn sister --Wang wei Dream Preparation A stubborn sister—Wang Wei Paragraph 1:_____________ Paragraph 2:_____________ Paragraph 3:_____________

Careful Reading (31mins)

Para1 Words & phrases 自从 _____________________ 梦想做某事 _____________________ 说服某人做某事 ____________________ 从... 毕业 _____________________ ever since dream about doing sth persuade sb to do sth graduate from

Para 1 1. What's their dream? They dreamed about ___________. 2. Where are they going? Along ______________ from_____ __________ to _________________. 3.Who will travel? ______ ______ ______ ______ taking a great bike trip the Mekong River where it begins where it ends Wang WeiWang Kun Dao Wei Yu Hang

Para 1 4. How are they getting there? 5. What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip? 1)Two years ago, bought ) Then, persuaded 3) Last year,......visited ) Several months before our trip, went to Cycle

Para 2 Words & phrases 喜欢 ____________________ 关心,在意 ____________________ 一种坚定的表情 ____________________ 改变主意 ____________________ 下定决心 ____________________ 屈服,投降 ____________________ be fond of care about a determined look change one's mind make up one's mind give in

Paragraph 2: A stubborn sister Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why? Yes. She insisted that she ______________ the trip properly. Once she has ________________, nothing can change it. made up her mind (should) organize xlj

to the West Ever since primary school ( 小学) I have watched the TV play Journey to the West Journey

He is determined.He tries to complete the journey no matter how hard it is. He is stubborn and sometimes makes himself get into trouble. He cares about not only humans but animals and insects.

He is brave and never __________to enemies or difficulties. ( give up, give in ) He prefers living on earth freely to staying in heaven as an unimportant official. He makes up his mind to protect Tang SanZang on the journey to the west. gives in (=determines) Who is he ?

shortcomings be fond of give in to change one ’ s mind not determined

Tang Sanzang is caught by a powerful demon ( 妖怪 ) and he has made Sun Wukong leave because of misunderstanding ( 误解 ).

ever since, prefer… to…, parcel persuade, stubborn change one’ s mind, Zhu Bajie : Brother Sha, the demon is too powerful. We can’t defeat him. It’s time for us to say good- bye to each other. Give me my _______. Sha Wujing : No. I won’t do that. ___________I determined to follow Master, I have never thought about ________________. Zhu Bajie : Don’t be so _________. We can’t do anything about it. Sha Wujing : I _________dying _____giving in. We should _______Brother Monkey to come back. Zhu Bajie : Maybe you are right. I will have a try. parcel Ever since changing my mind stubborn preferto persuade

Para 3 Preparation Learn some words through the pictures.

glacier 冰川 waterfall 瀑布 plain 平原 Valley 山谷 delta 三角洲 rapids 急流

Paragraph 3: What can they see along the Mekong? xlj

What can you see when you travel along the Mekong? It begins in a ______ on a ______ _________. glacier Tibetan mountain

Then, it______ quickly. It becomes ______ as it passes through deep _____. moves rapids valleys

Sometimes, the river becomes a _______ and enters ____ _____. wide valleys waterfall

At last, the river _____ enters the South China Sea. delta It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the ___________ where rice grows. plains

Post-reading (3mins)

A Summary Wang Kun and Wang Wei have _________ about taking a great bike trip. when they __________ from college. They _______ to _____ along the Mekong River with their ________. Wang Wei is very _________. Once she is __________ to do something she will never _______ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she ________ that they find the ________ of the river and begin their journey there. dreamed graduated decided cycle cousins stubborn determined change insisted source

Homework(1min) Translate the passage according to the Chinese meanings with the given phrases.

自从我进入大学之后,我就梦想着成为 一名作家,因为我一直喜欢写文章。然 而,当我从大学毕业之后,我的父母说 服我成为一名教师,渐渐地,我改变了 主意。现在,我成为了一名教师,而且 我坚持认为我的选择是正确的而且我会 为英语教学奉献一生。 (ever since, dream about, graduate from, persuade, change one’s mind, insist)

Dream para1 A stubborn sister --Wang wei para2 para3 Blackboard design Preparation