1 Let’s try putting our “I AM” system to work again. Part of the secret to using this system is understanding why we think the way we do. If we can understand.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s try putting our “I AM” system to work again. Part of the secret to using this system is understanding why we think the way we do. If we can understand our needs, then we can reduce and eliminate the needs that enslave us to sin and foolish choices.

2 A woman discovers her husband has been unfaithful to her and she just began to process her feelings. 1.The only way to keep a man is to be better than every woman he meets. 2.You must have done something wrong. 3.Show him how it feels. 4.Find someone who won’t cheat on you. 5.You can always get drunk or use drugs to dull the pain. The world says:But God says: 1.If the actions of a mate can rob your joy and break you spiritually, your mate held too much of your value. 2.I am behind everything that touches you with My purpose. 3.My determination to protect myself from heartache is the proof that I have taken over the responsibility for my comfort and I have put God out to pasture. 4.I chose my mate to fill God’s place and now I am protecting myself – independence!! You can see the variety of worldly solutions: lash out, crumble, run, improve, medicate…

3 We have seen how we might secure our hearts in truth and faith by using our “I AM” system. Now let’s press a little deeper into the potential of our amazing life that Jesus gave to us. Do you really know what you are in Christ and what your potential is on this earth? Let me tell you that the tiny little slivers that you know and that you think you know, are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to the depth of the reality! Salvation was the greatest gift that even God’s mind could imagine giving to someone He loves, and what you are in Christ IS amazing even to God, so where does that leave YOUR view?

4 We have seen how we might secure our hearts in truth and faith by using our “I AM” system. Now let’s press a little deeper into the potential of our amazing life that Jesus gave to us. Do you really know what you are in Christ and what your potential is on this earth? Let me tell you that Jesus takes your relationship with Him a LOT more seriously than you do! Have you ever really sat down and processed from a biblical point of view, exactly what you are in Christ? Because if you ever really did, you would NEVER again get frustrated over someone’s opinion of you.

5 We have seen how we might secure our hearts in truth and faith by using our “I AM” system. Now let’s press a little deeper into the potential of our amazing life that Jesus gave to us. Do you really know what you are in Christ and what your potential is on this earth? Let me tell you that Jesus takes your relationship with Him a LOT more seriously than you do! Have you ever really sat down and processed from a biblical point of view, exactly what you are in Christ? Because if you ever really did, you would NEVER again get frustrated over someone’s opinion of you. Let’s begin to unfold the much broader picture and scope of what you actually are, but never realized. In fact, to get you looking in the right direction, let me say that it is going to take you the rest of eternity to uncover the full depth of who and what you already are – RIGHT NOW – in Christ!

6 “After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” Jn 14:19-21 How could that be possible that the disciples would see Him when the world could not? If you look at the statement you will see that their ability to see Jesus after the world could no longer see His physical body, is related to His statement that He is in His Father, and we are in HIM, and He in US! Because of this union and love, the Father and Son reveal themselves to us!

7 “After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” Jn 14:19-21 How could that be possible that the disciples would see Him when the world could not? Jesus is revealing one of His greatest messages. The disciples would see Him because the risen Christ, the Vine, would dwell in them exactly the same way the Father was in Jesus! And this is key to unfolding the truth.