Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Eternal The Law Church Age Trib. Kingdom State OT NT 7 years 1,000 years Day of the Lord.


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Presentation transcript:

Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Eternal The Law Church Age Trib. Kingdom State OT NT 7 years 1,000 years Day of the Lord

Seals First half 1.First 2.Second 3.Third 4.Fourth ___________________________ Second half 5. Fifth 6. Sixth (Armageddon) 7. Seventh = 8:1-19:21 Trumpets First half 1.First 2.Second 3.Third 4.Fourth 5.Fifth 6.Sixth __________________________ Second half 7.Seventh = End of Trib.

Rev. 17:1 - Religious Babylon “The Great Harlot” = Rome “sits”, not “will sit” 17:9 – Six mountains (hills); A well-known description which best fits Rome 17:18 – The only city that fits is Rome.

Rev. 17:1 – Religious Babylon “Many waters” Rules over many nations. 17:15

Rev. 17:2 – Religious Babylon John seems to be describing a revived Rome as in his day. Here, it’s religious influence also seems evident.

Rev. 17:2 – Religious Babylon “Wine of her fornication” These chapters describe the nations taking part in Rome’s materialistic and religious seduction. 18:9; 19:2; Ex. 34:12-17; Jer. 3, esp. vv. 9, 13

Rev. 17:3 – Religious Babylon “Scarlet Beast” The Man of Sin, the Beast. “Sits on” The Beast supports the rule and corruption of Rome.

Rev. 17:3 – Religious Babylon “Seven heads and ten horns” The Beast has Satanic support (Rev. 12:3, 9). “Names of Blasphemy” Further confirms the I.D. of the Man of Sin, the Beast. (2 Thess. 2:4)

Rev. 17:3 – Religious Babylon “Seven heads…” refers to: 1)The identity of Rome (17:9) and also 2)Seven Kings (17:10-11) The central point of power for the Beast is Rome and another source we will discuss in a moment.

Rev. 17:4-6 - Religious Babylon Here is emphasized the content of Rome’s sin: She is rich, is involved with idolatry presumably led by worship of the Beast and his image, and is responsible for the slaughter of believers.

Rev. 17:7-11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast What is meant by the words indicating that the Beast… “was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition”?

Rev. 17:7-11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast What is meant by the words indicating that the Beast… “was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition”? (v. 8) We are helped by verse 10.

Rev. 17:10 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast Here it is explained to John that, of the seven kings represented by the seven horns that… “ Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come ”.

Rev. 17:10 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast The five Roman emperors that had fallen by John’s day were: 1.Augustus 2.Tiberius 3.Caligula 4.Claudius 5.Nero

Rev. 17:10 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast This would place the book in AD 68 or 69. Galba was killed in January 69 AD and was the one currently reigning when John wrote his book.

Rev. 17:10 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast Otho briefly reigned from January to April of 69. The Beast could have come anytime after him and been the eighth. But notice something important…!

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast John writes that… “The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition”. But how can that be?

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast Notice also that we know that he is one of the five because John says that the Beast “was and is not”. He cannot be the current emperor of the one to come.

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast It’s important to notice that the angel told John that the Beast “is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition.”

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast The King of the North either doesn’t die or dies and is resurrected after his head wound. However, when he is revived, it appears he is indwelt by the spirit of an ancient Roman emperor!

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast This appears to be similar to demon possession. The demon possessed man at Gadara was possessed by something like 2,000 demons (Mt. 8:28-34; Mk. 5:1-20).

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast Here, it seems, Satan is allowed to release this former ruler from Hades (“the bottomless pit”) and merge with the personality of the King of the North to form the Beast.

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast Beliefs such as they are today, this would not seem odd to people and may, in fact, be the basis of presenting this new “Beast” to humanity.

Rev. 17:11 – The Surprising Identity of the Beast “Who could better lead a united world than a man who once ruled the world? Who could better reunite the Western powers with the Middle East than someone who once has authority over both regions?” Power to Make War p. 37

Rev. 17:12-14 – The Ten Kings Of Augustus it was said that he was “one of the great administrative geniuses of history,” who “centralized the power of the Roman empire of his day in Rome itself, and established the Pax Romana.” The New Encyclopedia Britannica (I:650)

Rev. 17:12-14 – The Ten Kings These are future rulers who are powerful and give the Beast his power. They seem to rule with him, after he subdues three of them. (Dan. 7:23-27) This ten-nation confederacy (from Europe?) also battle along with the Beast against the Son of God.

Rev. 17:12-14 – The Ten Kings They lose.

Rev. 17:12-14 – The Ten Kings Notice that it is faithful believers who get to battle with Jesus at Armageddon! Also, Rev. 19:14

Rev. 17:12- Ch. 18 – The destruction of Babylon At some point, however, the Kings turn against Rome and her power and destroy her!

Rev. 18 – The destruction of Babylon We don’t know why or how, but Rome is destroyed suddenly and completely. The city of idolatry and great wealth is brought down.

Rev. 18:2-3 – The destruction of Babylon This affluent, sensual lifestyle impacted the whole world!

Rev. 18:4-8 – The destruction of Babylon In her pride, Rome challenged the Most High and is specifically judged for it.

Rev. 18:9-10 – The destruction of Babylon Whatever her judgment, the rest of the world stays away for fear of sharing in it. (Nuclear?)

Rev. 18:11-19 – The destruction of Babylon The speed and finality of her judgment are emphasized here. Notice the contrast with this city and the city of God, the New Jerusalem which comes in Chapters 21-22! We have such a city waiting for us! Heb. 11:16

Rev. 18:20-24 – The destruction of Babylon It’s important to see that God sees this judgment as an expression of His righteousness and vengeance.

Rev Reflections 1.All of us struggle with the injustices of this world. It’s an encouragement to know that God notices that He does and will square up accounts. 2.In almost every group which claims to be Christian, we see a clear shift away from the truths of Scripture, often to accommodate the world around them. This religious defection continues and accelerates in the Tribulation. Faithfulness is increasingly valued by God.

Rev Reflections 3. The end of Revelation is a strong contrast between a city who is leads the world into immorality and religious idolatry and one that forever stands for the light of truth. One is home to the darkness and evil, the other is home to our God. We are citizens of that city. Live for it! Heb. 11:16