Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 1 ALICE potential for Heavy Flavour Physics Gines MARTINEZ-GARCIA for the ALICE collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 1 ALICE potential for Heavy Flavour Physics Gines MARTINEZ-GARCIA for the ALICE collaboration Subatech, Nantes, France

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 2 Physics Motivations Probing and characterizing the quark gluon plasma (QGP) in Heavy-Ion collisions; Energy loss of Heavy Quarks (HQ) in hot and high density medium formed in AA central collisions: quark coupling and dead-cone effect; Brownian motion and coalescence of low p T HQ in the QGP; Dissociation (and regeneration) of quarkonia in hot QGP; Heavy flavour physics in pp collisions: small x physics, pQCD, HQ fragmentation functions, gluon shadowing, Quarkonia production mechanism; Motivations

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 3 Heavy Quarks in HIC at LHC Small x Bj (10 -3 –10 -5 );  Q ~ 0.04 –0.15 fm/c;  Q  QGP <<  Q ; Shadowing / Saturation; HQ energy loss in QGP; HQ thermalization (low p T ); L.O. SPS PbPb Cent RHIC AuAu Cent LHC pp LHC pPb LHC PbPb Cent N cc /evt N bb /evt

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 4 Charmonia in HIC at LHC PLB (2003) Melting of  ’ and  at SPS and RHIC, and melting of J/  at LHC? Magic cancellation between J/  suppression and J/  regeneration? 22 (39)% of J/  (  ’) from open beauty meson decays. SPS RHIC LHC PLB (2006) J/  melting J/  regeneration

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 5 Bottomonia in HIC at LHC  (2S)  (1S)  (3S)  b (1P)  b (2P) SPSRHICLHC PRD64, First measurement of Bottomonia. Regeneration is expected to be small at LHC.  (1S) melts only at LHC.  (2S)/  (1S) as a function of centrality and p T.  m(3S-2S) = 332 MeV/c 2 45 (30)% of feed-down from higher resonances for  (1S) (  (2S)) CUSB Detector(Cornell)

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 6 ALICE Capabilities ALICE combines electronic, muonic and hadronic channels; ALICE covers down to p T ~ 0 for quarkonia and open charm; ALICE covers central (|  |<0.9) and forward (-4.0<  <-2.5) regions; High precision vertexing in the central barrel; ALICE

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 7 Physics Analysis Hadronic decays: – D 0  K -  , D +-  K -+    , D s  K K *, D s  , … Leptonic decays: – Single lepton analysis: – Open charm, open beauty, electro-weak bosons; – Invariant mass analysis of lepton pairs: –BB, DD, BD same, J/ ,  ’,  family, B  J/  + anything; – Multi-lepton analysis : –BB  J/     ; ALICE

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 8 D 0  K -  + channel High precision vertexing, better than 100  m (ITS); High precision tracking (ITS+TPC); K and/or  identification (TOF) central PbPb 1<p T <2 GeV/c 10 9 pp 10 8 pPb 10 7 PbPb D  K  Open Flavours F. ANTINORI, A. DAINESE et al.

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 9 D +-  K -  +  + channel Open Flavours QM06 Poster: E. BRUNA, F. PRINO et al. Building K  triplets from K  pairs (as in D 0 analysis); Secondary vertex quality: and dist to primary vertex: >1900  m; PbPb central Significance for dN ch /dy=6000 ~ 40 for dN ch /dy=2000 ~ 90 Scaled to 10 7 central PbPb

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 10 Open Beauty from single e Electron Identification (TRD+TPC); High precision vertexing (ITS); Subtraction of the open charm contribution central PbPb Open Flavours F. ANTINORI, M. LUNARDON, R. TURRISI et al.

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 11 Open Beauty from  and  BB low mass  high mass  BD same 5% central PbPb Single Muons QM06 Poster: N. BASTID, Ph. CROCHET, R. GUERNANE et al. Open Flavours

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 12 Energy Loss Physics Charm Production: Quark versus gluon Energy Loss Lower quark coupling Beauty production: Mass dependence of Energy Loss Dead cone effect Open Flavours ALICE PPR Vol.2. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 13 Quarkonia in ALICE Quarkonia J/   |  |< <  < <  <2.5 J/   Di-electron channel Di-muon channel Until p T = 0

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 14 Quarkonia in the electron channel Electron Identification (TRD+TPC); Tracking : ITS+TPC+TRD; 2x10 8 central PbPb events (no e-trigger). QM06 Poster: W. SOMMER, C. BLUME et al. Quarkonia 10% central PbPb dNch/dy = x10 4 J/  p T =0-10 GeV/c 900  (1S)

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 15 Quarkonia in the muon channel Quarkonia  (1S) &  (2S) : 0-8 GeV/c J/  high statistics: 0-20 GeV/c  ’ poor significance  (3S) ok, but 2-3 run needed. Yields for baseline StateS[10 3 ]B[10 3 ]S/BS/(S+B) 1/2 J/  ’’  (1S)  (2S)  (3S) PbPb cent, 0 fm<b<3 fm F. GUERIN, S. GRIGORYAN et al.

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 16 J/  (polarization) in pp Quarkonia R.. ARNALDI, D. STOCCO, E. SCOMPARIN, E. VERCELLIN et al. p+p at 14 TeV Nominal run 3x10 6 J/  (  ) p T 0-20 GeV/c  >0 Transverse  =0  <0 Longitudinal Possible with >50000 J/  ; Error below 10%; Bgk contribution small; Systematics in the J/  acceptance due to polarization ignorance bellow 10%.

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 17 Suppression Scenarii Quarkonia Suppression-1 Tc =270 MeV  D /T c =1.7 for J/   D /T c = 4.0 for . Suppression-2 Tc=190 MeV  D /T c =1.21 for J/   D /T c = 2.9 for . PRC (2005) Hep-ph/ (2005) Good sensitivity J/ ,  (1S) &  (2S) Ph. CROCHET, F, GUERIN, R. GUERNANE, S. GRIGORYAN et al.

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 18 Electroweak Boson Detection ElectroWeak Z. CONESA, L. APHECETCHE, Ch. FINCK and G. MARTINEZ Well known from SM (better than 10%); In principle no-interaction with QGP; Non explored region: (M, x) = (80-90 GeV/c 2, ); Luminosity and detector efficiency cross-check; Reference of quark (b) energy loss; b W PbPb MB muons from W N  + /N   ~ 0.4 Di-muons from Z Z 0   in MB PbPb 2400 Z 0   in MB ArAr

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 19 Conclusions Heavy Flavour production will be measured by ALICE in A+A collisions at LHC energies; Exclusive open charm (D 0, D + ) combined to single-lepton and di-lepton continuum measurements of beauty; Huge statistics on charmonia: v2, polarization; –Regeneration: Centrality and p T dependance Bottomonia measurement:  (2S)/  (1S); Electro-weak boson can be measured in AA: reference for beauty energy loss; D s,  c, J/  from B, multi-muon events, etc. have not been addressed in this talk but should be accessible with ALICE. Conclusions

Open Flavours ConclusionsQuarkoniaElectroWeak 20 Acknowledgements Special thanks to R. Arnaldi, F. Antinori, L. Aphecetche, N. Bastid, Ch. Blume, E. Bruna, Z. Conesa del Valle, Ph. Crochet, A. Dainese, Ch. Finck, S. Grigoryan, F. Guerin, M. Lunardon, F. Prino, K. Safarik, E. Scomparin, R. Turrisi, J. Schukraft, W. Sommer, D. Stocco and E. Vercellin for fruitful discussions and the preparation of this talk. Caminante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada mas; caminante no hay camino, se hace el camino al andar Antonio Machado (H. S. QM2002, Nantes) ALICE will begin to walk next year!