Shame is a negative feeling that drives us away from God. Guilt is a motivating feeling that moves us towards our Savior.
Gen. 3:6-13 (p.4) Adam and Eve’s first reaction was shame. God’s first action was to walk with them.
Shame tells us we are not valued Guilt points to the Savior - Rom. 7: 7-17 The Law shows me where I was wrong and my need for a Savior
Who will save me from this life dominated by sin and death? Rom. 7: (p.862) With Jesus Christ there is no condemnation. Rom 8:1
Rom 8:5 Those who are dominated by the sinful nature, think about sinful things… Those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit…
Do you listen for how God sees your guilt? Do you pursue his Voice?