TRAINING, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH GETTING READY FOR GOES-R+ Anthony Mostek * National Weather Service/Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services Boulder,


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Presentation transcript:

TRAINING, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH GETTING READY FOR GOES-R+ Anthony Mostek * National Weather Service/Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services Boulder, Colorado With support from GOES Users Subcommittee on Training and Education Jim Gurka (NESDIS), Jeff Hawkins (Navy), Gary Hufford (NWS), Kevin Schrab (NWS), and Janice Sessing (NESDIS) * Corresponding author address: Anthony Mostek, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307; Introduction Space-based remote sensing is going through a major increase in observing capability over the next decade. As NOAA prepares for GOES-R+, many of these enhanced observations will take place in the fleet of polar orbiting satellites. With the launch of hyperspectral sounders, the era of observing the “hyperspectral shell” around the earth is beginning. This tremendous increase in observing capability from space provides incredible opportunities as well as major challenges. The satellite providers, the research and academic communities and the operational users must work closely together in order to bridge the “valley of death” between research and operations. Challenges are already apparent in several areas, especially in communications bandwidth, computing, and managers and users that are aware of the latest advances in space-based observing capabilities. Expand Training through VISIT Program The GOES Users subcommittee on Training, Education and Outreach proposes that the impending shortfall in providing training and education resources be addressed. This need for education and training can be met by establishing expanded satellite training as part of the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) program. The mission of the VISIT program is to accelerate the transfer of research results based on atmospheric remote sensing data into weather forecasting operations using distance education techniques. The VISIT program is cosponsored by the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service and the National Weather Service. The primary distance training tool used by VISIT is synchronous teletraining. GOES Sounder Data and Products The GOES Users subcommittee proposes that the satellite training activities should be expanded to provide a comprehensive distance learning courses that will produce satellite experts in all parts of NOAA’s operational programs. The teletraining conducted by the VISIT program (See examples below) will be one of the training components used for these comprehensive earth observing satellite courses. The training courses will be incorporated into the Department of Defense (DOD) programs and will be included in the World Meteorological Organization’s Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology. Mesoscale Analysis of Convective Weather Using GOES RSO Imagery Proposal for SHyMET Course Satellite HydroMeteorology (SHyMET) Course  Goal – Develop satellite hydrometeorology experts to support NOAA and DOD operations  Action – Prepare detailed proposal for Expanded Satellite Training Course (part of end-to-end GOES and NPOESS programs)  Develop - New Satellite HydroMeteorology (SHyMet) Course  Approach – Use similar format as NOAA operational radar course – 8/10 weeks of distance training followed by 4 day residence workshop  Audience – 60/70 students per year – at least one satellite expert in each NOAA (DOD) operations office  Incentive – Provide college credit through NOAA cooperative institutes  Action – Get NOAA approval and funding to begin SHyMet Course GOES High-Density Winds