SAT 阅读考纲 主讲老师:常志诚. 课程简介 : 1. 文章种类 2. 考题种类 3. 解题概论 4. 课程要求 5. 推荐书目.


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Presentation transcript:

SAT 阅读考纲 主讲老师:常志诚

课程简介 : 1. 文章种类 2. 考题种类 3. 解题概论 4. 课程要求 5. 推荐书目

“The passages cover subjects in the humanities, social studies, natural sciences and literary fiction. ” 1. 文章种类 Types of passages

Humanities Social studies Natural sciences Literary fiction 哲学美学类 社会科学类 自然科学类 文学小说类

社会科学 一般性社科 人物传记 种族女权 种族:黑人,印第安人 女权:白人女性,黑人女性

自然科学 生命科学 天文物理科学

按文章篇幅分 9 篇: 短篇 短对比 两中篇 中对比 长篇

题量: “The passages are about 100 to 850 words long. ” 48 题

Use your knowledge and experience carefully. No matter what you know or what you believe,you can not change what you think the writer should have said or what you would like the writer to believe and what the writer’s words actually say or imply.

2. 考题种类 Types of Questions

Three types of questions may be asked about a passage: extended reasoning, vocabulary-in- context, literal comprehension. You will also be asked questions involving paired long passages and paragraphs

(1) Extended reasoning questions Extended reasoning questions ask you to draw conclusions from or evaluate the information in the passage. The answers to these questions will not be directly stated in the passage but can be inferred from it. Extended reasoning questions also ask about the overall theme or meaning of the passage and about the purpose, attitude, or tone of the writer.

(2)Vocabulary-in-Context Questions One word can have many meanings. The answer choices will often include several different meanings of the word. Questions asking for the meaning of a word or phrase refer to the meaning in the context in which the word or phrase is being used in the passage. It helps to go back to the passage and reread the surrounding text of the world that is used. Be sure to read enough of the context to thoroughly understand the meaning of the word.

(3)Literal Comprehension Questions

Tips of Literal Comprehension Questions Find the place in the passage where the detail is discussed. Recognize different ways of stating the same fact or idea. Cross out incorrect responses as you eliminate them. Read questions carefully, looking for words such as except, not, and only, and for other words that describe exactly what you are asked to do with the information. Be sure you can support your answer by referring to words or phrases within the passage that support it.

(4)Questions Involving Paired Passages and Paragraphs The pair of passages will have a common theme or subject. One of the passages will oppose, support, or in some way relate to the other. ( 反对, 支持,或相关 )

3. Approaches to Passage-based Reading Questions Keep in mind that the answers come from the passage. Remember, every word counts. Read the questions and answers carefully. Don't forget that an answer choice can be both true and wrong. The correct choice is the one that best answers the question, not any choice that makes a true statement.

Make sure the reading passage supports your answer. Try eliminating choices. Double-check the other choices. Don't jump from passage to passage.

4. 课程要求 400 篇基础阅读 词汇

推荐书目及影片 《心灵鸡汤》 *3 《人类最伟大的声音》 《世界上最优美的散文》 房龙:《人类的故事》《宽容》 《世界上下五千年》(简版) 《飘》中文版 推荐电影:《乱世佳人》、《阿甘 正传》